
Star wars episode vii....

I'm quite positive about it. Disney did just fine and didn't interfere/etc when they acquired Marvel - look how good The Avengers was! Lucas having full creative control was the reason why the prequel trilogy ended up being... controversial, and he was also responsible for the "Greedo shot first" thing and other much-debated edits to the original trilogy. He'll still be on board as a consultant so it should retain some of the proper Star Wars flavour, but it might be interesting to see how someone else handles this franchise.
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

Mattachu wrote:
Is the Star Wars TV show set between Episodes III and IV still on the cards?

It was part of the deal, so yes. Perhaps with Disney's money... you never know. Don't expect it for a while. There are scripts for it though.
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

waterstone wrote:
I think that Diseny will have George Lucus on hand to help them with thir project.

Well yeah, he's officially going to be 'creative consultant' for the series now.

Paperhero wrote:Then I read yesterday that they aren't going to follow any of the books or comics and they are making a brand new story. Sigh.

Same old, same old really. Lucas didn't pay the (Extended Universe) comics and books much attention at all either. It's a shame that we won't be seeing anything from the EU but you never know, something nice might come from it all too. We'll see.
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

If Dinsney lives up to Lucas's performance of the phantom menace, I'm afraid the new movie will just be about showing the cool special effects, and not much about making sense story wise. Just a plain waste of time.

Personally I don't think it can be much worse than episode one, that one sort of hit rock bottom for me.
11 years

Star wars episode vii....

okapi wrote:
unless they bring on Michael Bay.

Ha, a 3 hour montage of explosions from the previous 6 films? smiley

I'm positive, purely because I think the universe has so much more to offer, there is so many more books, games and merchandise out there that only serious fans are aware of.

Good, bad or ugly, this will keep the original masterpiece relevant to future generations for years to come.
11 years