
Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Gettingfatter wrote:

My own fantasies involve a girl doing something like slipping me appetite stimulants or metabolism inhibitors (or both!) into my food without my knowledge, or even hypnosis where she's managed to implant a suggestion that would make me hungry at the mention of some kind of code word or phrase. In all of them, I wind up becoming a lot fatter than I ever intended.

ooh yes gettin hypnotized to eat more n get fatter is a total fantasy for me! smiley
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

loomis31 wrote:
Fattened and Dominated by an evil Female Feeder.... Where do I sign?

Ehm....:-) right here under my contract ^^;-)
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Even though I like to think of myself as a nice guy, I admit to having this fantasy quite a lot, lately. I guess it's a way of exorcizing my repressed anger. Having the power over a female feedee, just stuffing her until she's immobile.... Hot! I would never really do it,however.
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

I used to have the fantasy of being kidnapped by a small group of women, locked in a house that was setup in such a way that I could not escape, and being required to gain a few hundred pounds before being allowed to leave.

It's kind of evolved to a fantasy where I go to visit a small group of female friends, only to find out they have worked out a plan to keep me there voluntarily, and fatten me up.

They tell me that with their combined incomes, there is no need for me to work, and they convince me to leave my job. In the fantasy, they had also made arrangements with one another to make sure at least one of them with me at nearly all times to encourage me to eat...

...just a little more, to wait on me hand and foot, and any time I intend to get up to do some sort of chore, insist that I relax and conserve calories while it is done for me.
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

confusedgirl wrote:
No, thank you. I do not want to be force-fed by anyone. However I do like videos of men gently and tenderly feeding their women and rubbing their expanding bellies with great anticipation. That's totally awesome and I'd love to be fed and fattened that way.

That's good too! Though I must point out that the evil feeder does not necessarily force you. He may just take away your TV privileges or something like that if you don't eat enough.
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

yes but me being the "evil Feeder" i accually kinda been wanting to do it
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Critters wrote:
Oh man... I've had this fantasy ever since I was a teenager!
I'm currently working on a comic that explores this theme.

The funny thing is that IRL, I'm rather a quiet, retiring sort who doesn't usually take aggressive control of situations unless I have to. But I totally fantasize about having a captive guy under my total control, exploiting whatever weaknesses and temptations I can find in him to make him bigger and bigger, pushing him to go that much further every time I force food on him.

The progression as his belly and body expand... man, that really gets me going!

I've even gone so far as to look up info on appetite stimulants like marijuana/Marinol, drugs that have weight gain or metabolism slowdown as a common side effect (way too many to mention, but Risperdol, SSRI-class antidepressants, and prednisone/dexamethesone get honourable mentions), and the effects of prolonged inactivity on the bones, joints, muscles, and organs and how to counteract the problems that can arise from the body being inactive.

Yeah, I'm a twisted little critter.

Thing is, I doubt I'd ever take it from the realm of fantasy into reality, since it would involve some very unethical things. While some of my fantasies are totally evil, I'm an ethical humanistic type, and I would never hold someone as an involuntary captive and force changes on his body that he didn't want. Especially ones like forced inactivity, which can result in lasting changes and impairments to muscles and joints and can cause painful things like bedsores. I don't want to cause someone pain and disability.

That said, if I met someone who likes to explore these themes in totally voluntary, safe play, I'm sooooooo there! Especially if the gains are real!

I must admit...I find this concept and scenario a bit compelling.
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

weighting4u wrote:
As long as I can remember, this has been a fantasy for me. Not being force fed, but kind of tricked somehow, or not knowing my boyfriend was trying to fatten me up, but just getting really fat under his influence and slowly realizing how excited he was by it. There is something in the struggle to fight gaining weight that is part of the turn on. That's why the intentional weight gain, or as someone mentioned, being "lovingly fed with gentle belly rubs" is really not for me. Submitting to it, going along, wanting to be fat, ruins it for me. That's just me.

OH thanks ! would have never been able putting it so clear ;-) i love that and maybe even getting lured seduced and tempted to go a bit over the edge of what i myself find sexy on me.
And maybe even try when realizing getting to chubby to try get back in shape but be totally dependent if your gf let´s you ;-) hehe

i wish that will happen in real life if ever at least in a lsight way ^^
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

markpearson89 wrote:
My evil feeder fantasy involve an attractive woman feeder who progresses from a loving effectionate hostess to an emotional munipulator and finally (as i'm approaching immobility) a forcefull dominatrix. The kind of woman who feeds you just a few more bites at the end of a somewhat large meal where you've already eaten all you can. Just enough to strech your stomach that tiny amout it takes to increase your appetite a little each time. Using "it's not enough to put away and we can't waste it, so eat up." as a cover, but she always makes a serving more you can realistically eat without a little push. Then as you notice your getting a little heavier and become reluctant, she pays the emotional card like, "but you love my cooking...I made it just for you..." with a pout, then a kiss on the cheek after you cave in and eat." Then finally as you're approaching obesity and maybe even considering leaving to save whats left of your social life, she becomes more forcefull in her approach. Seducing you into rediculous binges, rewarding you with sexual favors for completing your meals, late night and early morning suprize force feedings for insubordination. Along with a smug attitude because she knows no matter what your objections are you'll always be to full and tired and as soon as your not you'll crave the food and sex. Occasionally she'll deprive her victim, and they'll beg for it.

Yeah i'm a weirdo.

I like it...
11 years

Feedees: want "evil feeder"?

Garfield wrote:
markpearson89 wrote:
My evil feeder fantasy involve an attractive woman feeder who progresses from a loving effectionate hostess to an emotional munipulator and finally (as i'm approaching immobility) a forcefull dominatrix. The kind of woman who feeds you just a few more bites at the end of a somewhat large meal where you've already eaten all you can. Just enough to strech your stomach that tiny amout it takes to increase your appetite a little each time. Using "it's not enough to put away and we can't waste it, so eat up." as a cover, but she always makes a serving more you can realistically eat without a little push. Then as you notice your getting a little heavier and become reluctant, she pays the emotional card like, "but you love my cooking...I made it just for you..." with a pout, then a kiss on the cheek after you cave in and eat." Then finally as you're approaching obesity and maybe even considering leaving to save whats left of your social life, she becomes more forcefull in her approach. Seducing you into rediculous binges, rewarding you with sexual favors for completing your meals, late night and early morning suprize force feedings for insubordination. Along with a smug attitude because she knows no matter what your objections are you'll always be to full and tired and as soon as your not you'll crave the food and sex. Occasionally she'll deprive her victim, and they'll beg for it.

Yeah i'm a weirdo.

I like it...

oh that was very hot and descriptive ;-)

i want that feeder girl yeah ^^
11 years
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