
I find this odd.. do others?

I don't know lol I dont have very many fat friends either, the majority of people on my friends list are thin lol, infact I really want more haha I am so sick of seeing peoples weight loss comparison photos and shit lol

but I dont know I think it maybe has something to do with there not being as many young fat people as older ?
I dunno lol
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

if you want a fat friend on Facebook add me. i think I'm fat enough to be a fat friend.

And yeah I'm the same i hardly have any fat friends. i think i can count 3 maybe 4 max.
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

The majority of my friends outside of FF are thin, the only couple of fat friends I have are from work/uni.

I think there could be a lot of reasons, including age, location, socio-economic background, race and the dominating culture and it's values.

For example, the majority of my friends are from school, an all girls selective grammar school in south London/Kent, they are around 20, female, are mainly white or asian and are all middle class. I think that the interrelation of these factors probably increases the probability of them being thin.

I think it's also important to acknowledge the fact that lots of fat people are made to feel shit about their bodies which could result in them becoming very insular or preferring to socialise with people who are also 'different', perhaps feeling safer in a space where social norms are not adhered to e.g. lgbt, other fat friends, 'nerdy' or 'alternative' people.

Even though I'm very happy with my body, I try to surround myself with people that I trust will not be negative about my body, mainly because I can't be bothered with it. Though you may be an FA, is fat acceptance demonstrated throughout your social group? Since I've become fat I've noticed some of my friends fat phobic and/or body-shaming attitudes and displays of thin privilege (that is completely normalised and otherwise goes unnoticed) and it has made me question whether I would have become friends with them if I had always been this weight.

Just a few ideas... I don't mean to generalise or offend, but I do believe there are underlying reasons in most cases rather than it just being purely coincidence!
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

It could be some kind of subconscious thing as well. Perhaps you don't want your friends to know. Also it could have something to do with when you realized you were attracted to fat people, gaining and/or feeding. Your friends may have been in place long before those feelings were ever brought to the surface. smiley
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

Well I've closed my facebook, so this makes the topic somewhat (but not completely) irrelevant for me. When I did have an active facebook page, it was more to connect with family and friends that I actually knew in person. I had a few people from FF on my facebook friends list, but in total, there were about half a dozen or so people on my list that i've never actually met face to face. I suppose that's the way my facebook account rolled. I was pretty private about it. Most of those from FF that were on my facebook, I had met before.
Eventually my concerns about security and identity theft got the better of me, that's why I closed it.
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

I will restate what's been stated above, the large majority of my friends that I didn't meet through this site are rather slim. I have a few friends, like my best friend, who are chubby. But none approach my size.
12 years

I find this odd.. do others?

While there are a number of fatter people in my friends list, as most of them were people I met at uni and I've since graduated and left I rarely see them in person these days.

With the majority of my post-uni social circle, fatter people are relatively (drumroll please for awful choice of words) thin on the ground. I thought about this a bit and conclude that it's probably an unfortunate side effect of what my social life largely revolves around; drama and amateur theatre. Now, I know that plenty of big people have buckets of self confidence and positive body image, certainly here, but it's unfortunately not too much of a stretch to say that a lot don't, and the thought of prancing around on stage in front of an audience of people (even in a little am-dram company) probably doesn't strike a lot of them as something they'd like to do. Once you filter them out, and then filter for people for whom drama simply isn't their thing regardless of whether they have the confidence, it's probably not too surprising that the majority of people in my social circle are thin-to-average sized.
11 years