
Best weight gain meals...

Heavy cream is tough to maintain. The trouble with a lot of the cheap ways to gain weight is that they're so unpleasant or difficult to maintain that backsliding is likely.

If you can get your hands on a cheap blender, I'd recommend this:

Buy bulk ice cream - the gallon tubs tend to be cheapest by the calorie - some heavy cream, milk, and cookies. Mash up the cookies in advance and keep a big container of cookie crumbs (I prefer Oreos, again, whatever fits your budget). Every morning and night, make yourself a large glass of milkshake with this, using half cream and half milk as the softening part. The cookies help liven up the texture so that it's not such a chore, and once you've gotten in the habit it's really easy to down them.

As you get more used to it, try refrigerating the ice cream instead. This way you don't get brain freeze and don't need the milk so you can just mix with cream and crumbs.

Even at your size (I'm also a skinny person and sometimes-gainer) you can easily take in an extra 1-2 thousand calories per day this way, without much added expense or effort.

Also if you're doing the fast food thing, avoid combo meals and stick to the dollar menu - at some places you can pull in nearly a thousand calories for only a few bucks.
11 years