
Any tabletop gamers?

does Yu Gi Oh count?

I do that
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

dvoidofbrains wrote:
sethman wrote:
I tried to get an online D&D Campaign for fellow FF-ers going, but it fell through.

I'd be down

I'd be interested in trying that too.

I play D&D every chance I get, which is usually when I go back to my hometown on breaks. I've yet to find people to do a campain with here in Norfolk and I seriously go through withdrawals lol

Other than D&D I also play World of Darkness, and Hunter.

Outside of RPs I play Chess, Poker, Yu-Gi-Oh, and I'm also fond of Scrabble lol
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

As to the Online Yugioh I don't play by the current rules...I play by the older rules. Before Change of Heart, Raigeki, etc got excluded from gameplay and before the "white deck".

So basically I play the BattleCity rules.

As to D&D just about any time before 2am Eastern Standard Time on the weekends I'd be good with.
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

I must say this, I love D&D but I hate character creation, it's always been difficult for me. And would be moreso at this time as I don't have any of the rulebooks *save for the Star Wars D20 rulebooks which I have saved to my flash-drive as I'm thinking of eventually DMing a camapain in that* and so would have to look up the books online and all the details involved in character creation...which I don't think would go well with my computer.

And I don't even have a character sheet that I could just reuse, those I left at my parents' house so I would have them for when I campained with my regular group...
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

I dabble in DND and other random tabletop games, but to say I have a grasp on the rules is an overstatement. I do vastly prefer 4e to 3.5 though, largely due to simplicity and because I was introduced to it first. If an online game does get started up, I'd be willing to join up as well.
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

D N D (mostly 2nd Ed)
Magic the Gathering
Jyhad (or Vampire the eternal struggle as the name was changed)
Vampire the Masquerade
Werewolf the Apocalypse
Talisman ( if anyone knows where I can get a new copy I would love to know cuz I haven't seen it in years)
Star Wars the RPG
and Exalted
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

I've played a little D&D myself, but I am currently really into Twilight Imperium.
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

Just noticed this thread....

I'm old enough that I first played AD&D before the Dungeon Master's Guide came out. We moved on from D&D to a slew of other games, but while I'm still friends with much of that group, we haven't played any RPG in a couple of decades. I do get together with one of them most weeks to play M:tG, however.

For my role playing fix currently I do some on-line playing, and I run a game for my son (both using the HeroQuest RPG rules, set in the fantasy world of Glorantha which was first explored using the RuneQuest rules)
13 years

Any tabletop gamers?

whoah! There are actually a few women posting in this thread, my prayers have been answered, unfortunately my current time zone puts me out of the window for any online chatroom games, although I think I'm in a similar time zone with the Brits. Otherwise, I would be totally down for gaming.
12 years

Any tabletop gamers?

So yeah, now I got interested in D&D and through that I joined a weekly tabletop society at uni.

So I've dabbled in D&D, Mekton, RogueTrader, Shadowrun... fun stuff
11 years