
Swag or class?

I don't know what either looks like. Although thanks for the history lesson LC2.

Is this like back in the days when you could be a mod or rocker? Or like casuals (stay-pressed trousers lol) or goths back in the 80's?

Yours truly,


PS you'll want something warm in this weather dear
11 years

Swag or class?

Take the advice of NPH, Suit up Bro.
11 years

Swag or class?

well the only swag i know is like a sleeping bag that you use while camping
11 years

Swag or class?

so i guess a man with a swag because then wed have somewhere to sleep whilst camping..
11 years

Swag or class?

I'll take class myself. Portrays a certain amount confidence, care mystery, charm and a hint of arrogance or dominance. Hence the reason why I dress so classy. LOL smiley
11 years