
How do you get a girl to gain?

If she doesn't want to, you don't get her to gain weight.

If she wants to, let her decide how to.
11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?

You put it out there but don't pressure her and don't make too big a deal out of it. You have to say it in a way that doesn't sound like you're unhappy with her current weight.

Women usually don't want to gain weight, but they do sometimes get turned on to gaining by their bfs, so it's worth a try.
11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?


Most people do not want to gain. If you want someone who wants to gain, find someone who is a feedee.

If it is essential to have someone gain weight, do not look in the general population for a girl friend.
11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?

Murphy wrote:
wesleyv1 wrote:
Murphy wrote:
wesleyv1 wrote:
ok so you'll need some cloraform, some rope, and about fiftey sticks of butter

Rape jokes are so funny. You should tell more of them.

rape? who said anything about rape? thats sick man you got problems

I'm not the one suggesting kidnapping here.


11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?

Luvtofeed, very nice. Your GF is to be commended! How big is she & you willing to get? Also, you may want to chart her progress with measurements as well. Just a thought. Good luck to you both!
11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?

wesleyv1, your post was clearly a humorous attempt to emphasise the fact that you don't 'get' a girl fat, but always bear in mind what you think and what other people think may be different, and not everyone may appreciate or understand your sense of humour.

Murphy, you made the point very precisely and succintly, and you should have left it there.

foxglove, thanks for introducing some sanity into the thread.

I've been a bit busy recently and haven't been up to speed on my forum mod duties, for which I apologise. I've deleted all the back-and-forth name-calling posts apart from the clincher from foxglove, as they serve no purpose in this thread or the board. You do not get points for having the last word, so don't get hung up on it.

Any further pouting or general brattiness on this thread will see it binned. Kapische?
11 years

How do you get a girl to gain?

luvtofeed wrote:
i guess the moral of my post is 1, to know if the girl is a fat girl at heart. 2, to not force anything or rush anything. and 3, if she agrees to do it make sure you love what she gains more than enough so she feels sexy and it will maybe influence her to keep gaining. And this is just my opinion, so nobody should take it personal and feel offended smiley

Very similar experience. Definitely this. IF you want to keep your relationship, then get ready, and I mean "GET ***ING READY" to be patient.
11 years