
Big woman- small breasts.

There's a good amount of high profile bbws out there with (relatively) small breasts and big belly, butt, hips and thighs, they certainly look feminine!! smiley
I for one am much more interested in big thighs than big breasts. Big breasts go droopy and make a woman look older imo.

You've nothing to worry about!
11 years

Big woman- small breasts.

i've always kinda liked when a girl's belly stuck out past her boobs. especially when she has sizeable breasts, just having that big of a belly.
11 years

Big woman- small breasts.

For me, it's always been about how confident the girl is with her own body. One of my girlfriends was very bottom heavy and had a cup breasts, and was super confident in knowing how much I liked her shape and size. So much so, I still have a wee crush on her.
11 years

Big woman- small breasts.

When girls get really big their massive bellies hips and thighs seem to dwarf their boobs regardless of wheat her they started as an a cup or a dd.
11 years

Big woman- small breasts.

Don't worry about this, really. My girlfriend gets insecure about this from time to time as well... let your body put it where its curvature most needs it!
11 years