
Public stuffing?

Hey im new here but I wanted to know if anyone has any stories about eating or stuffing in public? That's a really big thing for me as someone into encouraging smiley

I had a boyfriend in college who was chubby and had the most sexy round belly that would stick out over his pants and always poked out under his shirts. He loved to eat and we would always go to the food court in college together and I would get so turned on by him going back for more.

At the time I didn't know about sites like this, but I know I was turned on by his figure, eating and getting bigger.

This boyfriend wasnt self conscious about his weight...he enjoyed it and enjoyed gluttony. And I enjoyed sharing that with him.

Anyone else want share experiences of being openly gluttonous in public?
11 years

Public stuffing?

There was a Chinese restaurant in my town I used to go to and I'd catch the waitress staring at my belly out of the corner of her eye after I had 5 or so plates. Then she'd talk with the manager in Chinese... Probably asking why they haven't banned me yet. I remember one time standing at the register waiting to pay my ticket and trying to hold everything in my stomach and I saw her trying not to laugh as she approached.

There was also a pizza buffet place I used to go to and the manager came out to talk with me a couple of times. He wanted me to try the 30" pizza where you get the whole meal free thing but I never got around to it.
11 years

Public stuffing?

I envy all of you! I have thought many times about going to a buffet and just gorging until I am stuffed, but I have never done it. The closest I have come was buying the largest sandwich, but I ate it at home.

Ned Fox
11 years

Public stuffing?

Every time I go to a buffet it's a study in public stuffing. Especially when I go to this all you can eat pizza joint in a city nearby. My all-time best there is about 37 slices, I was having an eating contest with a friend of mine and I could have eaten more but I figured my friend would try to match me slice-for-slice and I didn't want him to wind up hurting himself. So I threw the contest.

It was a little amusing too though, the guy's not tiny, but apparently I can eat a lot more than him. Because as I was getting up for another plate after my 37th slice he was nearly in tears. My compassion prevailed though.
11 years