
Cola whith oil for weight gain

I don't think it works like that. Alcohol goes into the bloodstream just as fast whether it's mixed with cola or not. Probably faster if not actually. But anyway I wouldn't suggest it because cola, being a solution of water, is polar and won't mix with oil which is non-polar.
11 years

Cola whith oil for weight gain

I always thought people got drunk faster on fizzy booze for two reasons:

1) The lemonade/cola adds sugar to the mix and ameliorates the taste of most alcohol.

2) The now-alcoholic bubbles get their contents into the bloodstream faster than a flat drink would. This might be why you can drink genuine (flat) scrumpy and feel fine until it's time to go and then you find out you can't move your legs smiley
11 years

Cola whith oil for weight gain

mxrtm wrote:
It is well known that if you will mix cola whit alcohol, than alcohol goes to blood faster. It is well known that alcohol is carbohydrate and carbohydrates are fattening. So if one mix oil with cola to drink, maybe fat from oil goes to blood faster and makes fattening more easy and fast?
That's not how it works, dietary fat does not get directly added to body fat and carbohydrates are fattening because they are converted into glucose, spike your blood sugar which causes in insulin response which then tells your body to convert the sugar to body fat in order to keep you from killing yourself with too much sugar. Fat is fattening in that it has a high calorie count but the concoction you're suggesting would most likely just give you the shits man, and that's no fun as well as counterproductive. Be aware that a high carb diet, while fattening, will put you at high risk for problems such as plaque build up in the arteries and diabetes.
11 years

Cola whith oil for weight gain

Greg64 wrote:
You go OniGumo!!smileysmileysmiley

Indeed. SCIENCE!
11 years

Cola whith oil for weight gain


If I was a gainer, I would much prefer a cake with ice cream than a soda with oil. I can't imagine how it would feel to be burping up Wesson oil.
11 years