
Helpful blog

hahaha how ridiculous

' 2. Fat girls are girls too.
It may seem silly to mention, but it actually is important. Fat girls aren’t magical, mystical creatures. There’s no special way you need to talk to them, no different procedure, here. I get that question from time to time. ‘How do I approach a fat girl?’ Just like ANY other girl! '

....... right, so you can date a fat girl just like you would any other girl, just make sure you read the specialised how to guide first LOL
11 years

Helpful blog

Eh, eh, calm down, calm down!

If he'd said, "I found this, thought it was good, worth a read" that would have been fine.

Sethman I guess what they're getting at is 1. most men with any empathy or social skills shouldn't need this because fat girls are just like tall girls or girls who like books or girls who are funny. They're just humans, and needing a guide as to how to interact with them suggests they are odd or difficult or a special beast that you have to treat differently. 2. it just slightly makes me wince because if one were being cynical one might think you were recommending the guide in the blog because if you have no success with women generally it's time to try "a tactic" on them, rather than just... being a normal person who interacts with people they like. 3. The person who called you a creep might have thought you were sharing a methodology (I'm thinking The Game by Neil Strauss) to pick up women? Not sure.

I dunno, I'm kinda guessing because, use of the term "lovely ladies" (*puke*) aside, I don't really get why you're getting haters here. I'm not saying you have to call us "wimmin" and slam doors in our faces but yeah, "lovely ladies" is a tad old-fashioned and smacks of outmoded gender roles blah blah. Or something.

But on the whole it's a good recommendation because although I agree that fat girls are just girls, it IS a minefield because fatness throws up so many issues for so many people. Fat girls ARE more likely to be sensitive about their appearance/hyper-aware of their weight as an issue because of the way society treats fat (especially fat women), and to assume you are taking the p*ss if you approach them, simply because that's what might have happened to them in the past. So yeah I think your post is useful because sometimes I imagine it's hard to work out the best approach when there are conflicting pressures. You might feel you shouldn't have to mention their weight because, frankly, it shouldn't have to be an issue, but your instinct might be that you want to tell them immediately that you love the fact they're fat in order to somehow... reassure them you're not bogus.

I think it IS a tricky area and the blog is useful reading. However - to be fair an hour spent perusing these forums would probably have told you the same stuff and I note you say you've already said things like what appears in the blog before - so yeah, I guess that's why another person thought it was patronising.
11 years

Helpful blog

p0ckets wrote:
sethman wrote:
p0ckets wrote:
I would say not posting creep threads like this would be a good start :3

It's creepy that I linked to a blog? I don't understand. Have we all not read thread after thread here of guys complaining that girls don't message back, girls complaining that guys don't really respect them, etc.? I just thought that the post was insightful, and figured I'd share. I've said very similar things to that post in previous threads. But if I did something wrong here, please feel free to further explain what it is, and I'd be glad to apologize once I really understand what social error I committed here.

Why would you want to help them though? It's not like it's an etiquette school that will change their behaviour & attitude past the first couple of messages. I guess I can see where you're coming from though, & maybe I was a little harsh. But I really don't see this as any different to things like "how to date a rich man", "How to get your boyfriend to propose" etc. They are all a little manipulative.

Not sure, I think the blog in question is written from the perspective of a fat woman and is regarding the way she would like to be treated?
11 years

Helpful blog

randomlancila wrote:
Or that telling us that you 'love fat girls' can come off as you just wanting us for our body and not caring about our personality.

I don't think you should try and speak for everyone, I am a fat girl and I have no problem with someone opening a conversation by stating their preference for fat girls, in fact I prefer it, it means they actually prefer fat bodies, they don't just think I'm desperate or are willing to like love me despite my body or something.

I mean I see women tell guys things all the time like ' I love bearded guys ' do all men then automatically assume they only love them for their beard ?
11 years