
Girls you knew that got fat?

I've known a few girls from high school and college that ended up getting fat. But the one that stands out for me is this girl from high school that went from bikini bod to huge.

Marissa was a girl from my high school that everyone considered to be one of the hottest girls in school. She had a curvy body, boobs, a nice butt - everything. She was around 5' 8 and maybe 135 lbs. She was incredibly stuck up though. A total bitch.

Anyways, a couple years after high school people started to say stuff like "damn, have you seen that bitch Marissa, she got fat." I kept hearing this stuff and i was curious what they meant by fat. Then one day i saw her at the local bowling alley. She had put on some weight but she wasn't huge or anything. She was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and pants so it was hard to tell how chubby she had gotten. One thing i remember though is that she was kind of embarrassed to see me. We didn't know each other that well in high school but she knew of me because i was on the football team.

Anyways, a couple years go by and I'm at this party and there are old high school friends there. And one of them asks if anyone has seen Marissa, and then mentions that she got huge. They all started laughing about it and saying stuff like "stuck up bitch deserves it" and "karma is a fat bitch." I mentioned that i had seen her and she wasn't that big. I briefly got made fun of for liking fat girls (they didn't know I did, but that didn't matter). Then the guy that said she was huge said to me "when? when did you see her? she's a huge fat bitch..i saw her yesterday."

It had been two years so it was possible. I started to think about her and I would fantasize about her being a huge porker. But at the same time i figured that my friend's definition of huge might not be the same as mine. Sure, maybe she put on more weight but huge? One can only hope.

Then one day i saw her. Me and my girlfriend were taking the bus into the city center when i saw this really fat girl wearing tight blue jeans and a white top get on the bus. As soon as she turned to face our direction i knew who she was. It was Marissa and I couldn't believe it. She was easily over 300 lbs. She had kept all her curves but there was just so much more of her.Her ass was huge, she had rolls of fat under her breasts that could be seen through her white top, and she had a big roll of fat that was split between her belly and packed into her jeans.

The fat on her upper body jiggled and quivered every time the bus would stop and start again and when she got up to pull the lever for her stop, her shirt rode up revealing her thick rolls of jelly.

I don't think she even saw me which i lamented at the time. It wouldn't be the last time i would see her though.

The last time was a couple years later. I was home from summer break from University and taking a summer course at the local community college. I walked into the main outdoor eating area where in the distance i saw this very fat girl sitting on a bench facing the opposite direction. Her ass was huge and looked like it took up half the bench. And it was packed into the tightest jeans imaginable.

Most of the other seats were taken so i had decided i would go sit on the same rectangular table. But instead of walking behind her i decided to loop around to get a better look at her before i decided to sit there. As i started to get closer i got this nervous feeling and then i thought to myself "oh my's Marissa!" She had gotten even fatter. I would guess she was in the 400 pound range. Her ass seemed to lift her half a foot off the bench.

As i was getting closer she looked up and she saw me. And then she became flustered and the embarrassment was all over her face. I don't know why but I didn't stop to sit at the table. I just said "Hey Marrissa" winked at her and smiled and kept walking.

I never saw her again and I always wondered how on earth she had gotten so fat. And although i would have been ridiculed mercilessly for hooking up with a fat girl her size back then I wish i would have.
11 years

Girls you knew that got fat?

I have a friend that has put on quite a bit of weight. It's a little funny because her sister was always the chubbier one growing up and now she's really thin. Part of my friend's problem is medical though. She has had to fight off some bone deteriation stuff and that is very limiting on one's movement. Hence growing body.

The other is my girlfriend. She was 160 when we met and at one time was 270lbs. Her knees need some work done on them so doctor's orders for weight loss. Still she's down to 245lbs which is still plenty big enough for me. X-)

The last thing I want to mention is that I love going to a party school and seeing all these new students or students who are busting into the party scene. Watching them balloon so fast is awesome. LOL
11 years

Girls you knew that got fat?

I remember a Band Majorette who wore the small sequined leotard outfit and twirled fire batons and such. A friend of mine had seen her mom and said this girl would get really big someday. It seemed inconceivable. She was 5'5" tall and was a perfectly shaped 120-125 with even some muscles in her arms. She remained the same in 9-11th grades and then stopped being a twirler senior year. By graduation she had filled out a little to maybe 135 or at the most 140. She married shortly after HS and I ran into her and her husband one night looking at used cars a couple years later. She was wearing jeans and sported a bigger butt and had to be about 155-160. Fast forward to 1999- 11 years after graduation and I run into Two of her classmates.They tell me about seeing her at an event a couple months earlier and didn't recognize her until she spoke. They said she was 300 lbs and now re-married to a man that was 400. Since that time she and I have reconnected on Facebook. She isn't 300 and probably never was.Not that I ask her. But I am an FA so a far better judge than her classmates. She is quite big and very beautiful.I think maybe 260-275. And she is not the biggest in her class either at the reunions. Another woman was shorter and quite chubby in high school.Probably 5'3" and 160-180 back then. And now a good 325+.
But I often wonder if the majorette still has that old twirling costume? It wouldn't fit now-that's for sure!
11 years

Girls you knew that got fat?

Working as a taxi driver I have seen several girls that happen to be regular customers gain some weight.

One girl whose parents I also know must have gained about 50-60lbs and has a very pear shaped figure as a result of this gain. When she was slimmer I would say she was about 130lbs, so she's definitely got chubby.

Another who came over here from Poland was very skinny originally, probably around 105lbs, but now looks about 160lbs. Funny thing was her friend who when she first came over here had recently had a baby was quite chubby, but is now much slimmer.

Another girl who was definitely slim having lost a lot of weight apparently from when she left school, has been gradually packing on the pounds. She's probably put on no more than 40-50lbs, but all of it seems to be going to her hips thighs and bottom.

With all these girls there weight gain is noticable from the skimpy clothes that they love wearing. None seem concerned about their weight, as they still dress like that. However, I have not seen any really dramatic gains like some of those mentioned above.
11 years