

If you get stretchmarks on one side chances are you'll have them on the other. Though there isn't any rule that says stretchmarks have to pair up one to one, they will differ and it is totally possible that you could get random mark on one side and none on the other. It all depends on how the body grows and the skin adapts.
11 years


I bet i nver get stretchmarks ^^
only maybe if a girl comes along to find my belly far to fit ^^
But as long as the belly is cute stretchmarks are no evil thing ^^
11 years


chubby_bunny_160 wrote:
It really depends, I think. WHen I got stretchmarks on my hips and thighs when I was in high school, I got them pretty evenly on each side because it was from just general body growth, so it was a very even growing time, and therefore an even stretchmarking time. However, as I have been gaining weight (and pretty fast at that), I have gotten like six stretchmarks on my left lovehandle area, and only one or two on my right. Not sure why, maybe how I sleep, but either way, that's what happened for me!

Long story short.. You can get them in pairs, or by themselves haha I think it depends on the growth.

We had someone here who had 5 or 6 on one side of her belly and two on the other side .But 6 weeks or so later she had the same amount on both sides and Very Nearly Identical. It looked like they came in pairs because they were mirror images. It was Amazing! smiley
11 years