
My friend's weight gain

Oh, you need to step up!
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Raven did You gain any weight or did You increase Your workouts and stay at 115? Maybe if You give in to your desires Your friend wouldn't feel as bad. smiley
11 years

My friend's weight gain

This is a wonderful series of events to read about Raven. Frankly I am still holding out hope for You! I know that deep down You want to gain. And this is a perfect time to explore your dreams. Another upside is that if were to now gain faster than Her and begin to catch up. She won't feel so bad about being the new "Fat Friend " .She is now 30+ lbs heavier than You. I know from Your profile that You struggle with the decision to stay fit or gain.

Best Wishes for Both of You
11 years

My friend's weight gain

fatsoraven wrote:
I'm seeing her Sunday and taking her out to dinner... any tips on where we should go, what youd like to see my feed her?

Golden Corral Or Maybe Italian.
What's her weight up to now? And are you still staying very slender Raven?
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Hey Raven
Two questions. Do You think your friend resents the fact that you remained slim while she packed on 35 Lbs and turned from slim to quite chubby? Does she know that you are enjoying her gain? Ok one more. Are You at all envious of her getting chubby? I have read that You have some desires that You have managed to keep as just dreams so far. smiley
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Just saw your pic Raven. You are a fitness queen with a perfect conventional body.Are you thinking of giving in and looking like your friend? That would be an amazing transformation!smiley
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Wow just read your story. Sounds exciting and I'm glad you are on path now too.. People shouldn't judge and you will do fine. I dint know they had Multiple fire and ice locations I live in the south la area. They did just open a golden coral though funny to read that. Well I hope you are liking your progress. Good lucksmiley
11 years

My friend's weight gain

Oh that was a lovely story wish you all the best if you ever make a move ^^ though

thanks for sharing this delicate sweet developement^^
11 years

My friend's weight gain

WOW! I think You have gained 40 lbs in LESS than 3 months Raven! If You keep it Up -or Get even Better at Gaining. You Can Be 200 lbs osmileyn Memorial day!
11 years