
Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

Sethman, that depends on what you mean by 'average'. If it's the median, then yes, by definition, 50% are above and 50% below. But in a skewed distribution (e.g. weight, where you get people 500+ lbs over the mean, but very few 100 under) then you can quite easily get more than 50% below the arithmetic mean (which is what most people mean, aha, when they say 'average'smiley. Chi-squared distributions are a good example of a distribution where the mean exceeds the median.

Statistics-based pedantry notwithstanding, I will be keeping an eye on this thread, and I will pull it if it degenerates into personal insults. So play nice. smiley
11 years

Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

A lot of the comments and posts I see from guys towards women are completely rude, or just plain creepy, that's generally the reason why girls never reply on here is because they have to wade through all this other bullshit and the rest of us get lumped in with it. On a related note, nobody likes it when you play the victim either, it's not very attractive. If you want to get girls to talk to you treat them like normal human beings not pieces of meat. Hang in chat and show them you care about them for stuff other than this fetish. It's really not that hard.
11 years

Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

When the point about messages was brought up, and the recipients (almost always of the female variety) tending to get buried in the nonsense, and vapid messages there were no truer words spoken. With the possible exception being Sethman.

On the rare occasions that I do take the time to sift through some Female Feeder profiles I always try to put some of "me" into the messages I send. I don't want to come across as single-minded or simplistic. But, the deluge of creep-tastic one-liners have probably completely outshone most of my messages and resulted in mass deletion more often than not. I have occasionally gotten a reply on messages I've sent, but the vast majority of actual correspondence that I have was started with the FFA/female feeder in question messaging me first.

In that regard, I've found that for me the best way to proceed is to make myself visible by posting in the forums, putting up photos and videos, and waiting for the ladies to message me.
11 years

Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

sethman wrote:
80% of people being "below average" does not make statistical sense, unless someone recently redefined the word "average."

Look, you've been on kind of a bitter streak lately, and from what I recall, you're generally a pretty nice guy. Think about what girls really want. Do they want a guy who's complaining about no one being attracted to him? Or do they want fun, confident people who can take care of themselves so they can enjoy a girl's company? (hint: it's the second one)

Here's the thing. Being a feedee, no matter what gender you are, is a pretty self-indulgent fetish. Shocker, I know. I don't mean that to say that being a feedee means you're selfish, I'm saying it is focused on you. I mean, think about it. What gets you off is the concept of a person feeding you, taking care of you, and fattening you up so she/he will have to feed and take care of you even more. It is entirely focused on you. Does it mean you're a selfish jerk just for being a feedee? No. It's what turns you on, no matter what gender you are.

But think about that in relation to my first point about what girls look for. Specifically, that last part about being secure with yourself and able to take care of yourself. How many girls, even here at this site, look over guys' profiles thinking "You know what I want to do? Wait on a guy hand and foot."

I mean, that's not what female feeders get out of it (I would hope they get more out of it than that), but it's still a fetish focused on you. And if all you want is a feeder, then what you're basically saying is "I am seeking a sexual object to explore my fetish with," not "I am seeking a relationship with a fun, smart woman with a good sense of humor that, after at least a few dates, might be willing to explore my fetish with."

My advice: Look for a woman. A WOMAN, not a feeder. Look for someone who enjoys your company. Then, if there's a good trust between the two of you, explain your fetish and see if she's willing to explore it with you. The actual relationship is more important than your fetish, no matter what fetish that is. I'd give the same advice to people who complain "Man, why don't any girls like guys who want to be spanked, whipped, bound and forced to live in a cage?" Because you're looking for a fetish, not a person.

I can understand what you are saying. But what your saying about being selfish as a feedee, than most girl feedees are selfish due to be wanting to be waited hand and foot, and the attention, but those who do it for attention usually fall through. I think PEOPLE just like in society, see feedees and say ok all they want to be is HUGE FAT and all over the place to a close point of immobile. Which is FAR FROM THE TRUTH. Least for me, and some other feedees I've seen who go to a point and stop gaining weight.

For me I'm a Feeder/Feedee. I enjoy a big girl and see the beauty in her. But as a feedee, I enjoy and love eatting and because I'm a big structure built male, I can eat a lot and enjoy the feeling of really full, and also a belly rub. Love those, haven't had a belly rub in long time. But than saying anyone eating like that is selfish than we all are selfish.

Another thing as a Feeder, what you say is true are evenly selfish as a Feedee. Why you may ask? Well the Feeder gets satisfaction of feeding someone maybe to a point of stuffed or force feeding. Also a Feeder is usually the one who sets a weight goal in a relationship, or least trys and push it. Also getting someone fat so you can enjoy the fat for yourself. How is that not selfish.

This feitsh has its selfish points. But when two people DRAWN together embrace it than it stops being selfish. Yes on this website their maybe creepers but their are those real people.

For me I'm very shy, and I try not to put too much info. Theirs lot of real people here compared to creepers but the negative gets in the lime light the most.

Hope this helps. But I respect the arthur I quoted I don't mean any disrespect by any means.
11 years

Is male feedee the worst position in this fetish?

being straight and a male feedee is pretty bad i agree..but if ur bi or gay there are alot of guys out there for you smiley i realize this is prlly the wrong board for that tho lol
11 years