
Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
The thing is, I could never set a plan to gain another 40 pounds unless I promise myself I will lose it. If that makes sense.

It makes sense, but what if:

1. you can't lose it? Or

2. don't want to?
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
Also I think it would be more fun to take my obesity on a "trial run" and then go back to the slim life. Then the choice won't be made because it's too hard to be thin, it will be because I prefer how it feels to be fat.

Plus I would then have the pleasure of gaining that 40 pounds back for a second time! smileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmiley

Nice! So what are you waiting for?
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin, just let go and enjoy! you surely look more sexy and healthy with the added weight! WOW
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
Also I think it would be more fun to take my obesity on a "trial run" and then go back to the slim life. Then the choice won't be made because it's too hard to be thin, it will be because I prefer how it feels to be fat.

Plus I would then have the pleasure of gaining that 40 pounds back for a second time! smileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmileysmiley

Wowo so cool to read this ^^
You are the first besides me that would even consider gaining lossing it again to feel the joy of gaining it again ;-)

But i bet the danger is even more real to not beeing able loosing it again if you have someone on your side tempting you always to eat more hehe
that would be interesting, too if you normally plan to loose a few after you got a jiggly belly ;-)
i would love a realtionship like this ^^

ah and have fun :-)
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

Owing to your initial vacation gain a couple years ago. I am certain that You have the rare ability to gain as fast as anyone!
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

I agree that once you gain the weight, there is a good chance that losing it would be only temporary. But then again, you would be with the other 99.9% of the population who wants to lose weight, but can't.

Anything physical is mostly genetic. That includes stretchmarks. Especially for a fast gain. But that is just part of gaining. Gaining weight means being uncomfortable at times, being discriminated against, not being able to do everything you used to, etc. For some people, this is a major problem, for others it is a joyful part of weight gain.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

You've slightly confused me with how much you wish to lose. You want to gain another 40lbs, that will take you to 200lbs. Then you say you wish to lose the 40lbs, that will take you back down to 160lbs, but in your eyes you will still be fat at that weight. Or was the intention to lose 80lbs from the 200lbs, to get down to 120lbs and then gain back the 40lbs that you have already gained to get you to where you are today and then decide whether you want to get back up to 200lbs again.

In any case what ever you decide you look great as you are, but the prospect of you becoming a 200+lb fatty is unbelievably mouthwatering.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
So, I'm not sure how much I could gain in 3-4 months, but 40 lbs seemed reasonable. Who knows? I mean, if I gained twice that much within my time frame, it would be really exciting. :o

Because of several reasons I am certain that Four months would yield far more than 40 Lbs. At least in Your particular case.
Your vacation gain was way faster than that -without trying. And with your intellect and the stubbornness you mentioned - You would use all the knowledge available. The correct foods and eating frequency to do a very stellar gain. I can't imagine you Gaining less than 50-60 lbs if not more.
Good Luck and if You Ever actually put the plan in motion. I know you'll have Loads of Fun. And for exercise I would recommend weight training to increase Your strength to carry the added weight.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

suckingitin wrote:
Well, I've eaten my way out of the skinny girls club and am shopping for double digits. But I didn't want to gain weight, I just wanted to stop worrying about it, stop exercising and let go, which I have done. And because of it I have gained a good 45 pounds or so. I never thought I would actually start enjoying the body transformation. It was extremely embarrassing at first, but after I found FF and realized a lot of men really like seeing a small, fit woman, turn into a big, soft, fatty, my feelings have begun to change. Now I look at women on here with big round bellies and try to imagine how another 40 pounds would feel. To carry a big, jiggly pile of fat around my middle, bouncing and quivering with every step. I get very excited by the thought, but it scares me too. I am considering intentionally gaining a lot of weight and then lose it all, just to see what it's like. Once I was thin again I would be able to tell if I really liked being fat or not. Does this sound really weird? The thing is, I could never set a plan to gain another 40 pounds unless I promise myself I will lose it. If that makes sense.

Enjoy the freedom, I say smiley The female form is best when it's free to do whatever nature wants it to do when it's fed adequately.
11 years

Unintentional vs intentional

If people gain, either on purpose or not, they should realize that there is a very good chance that they won't be able to lose it (for any length of time). Gaining and losing is more stressful than remaining at a high stable weight. Dieting tends to slow the metabolism.
11 years