
All my girlfriends get fat

let me just be clear. With my gf that got really fat there was no "secret feeding." She got fat because even though she wouldn't admit it, she actually enjoyed it.

there was no sinister plan of mine to get her fat against her will. Please people...this stuff does not happen in the real world. For one, I would mention to her all the time that she was getting fat and to lay off the sweets.

lastly...i think it's hilarious that one of the people in this thread that is calling me out actually started a topic called "the benefits of immobility." Seriously? And I'm the creep here?

Also..another person that condemned me has on her profile that she is not into feeder/feedee stuff at all. OK then..why the hell are you reading the weight gain forum?

i'd also like to add that just because you may consider more subtle fattening to be against some non-existent code of conduct doesn't make it so.
12 years

All my girlfriends get fat

Well I'm not one to use this site much let alone post on the forum.... but I am one for loving being the minority in any circumstance..

I have to side with Hunter here and totally get what he means.

Some girls just are the fat type; man involved or not. Do we need to point out that there are PLENTY of women who easily/effortlessly/happily/whatever put on plenty (hundreds of pounds even) of weight all on their own? Then whine about hating it....

I consider this simply more of the discrepancy between society, reality, and the condition of the
modern human animal....

Hunter9's experience sounds like the classic western idealism I've seen all too many times. Girl gets particular self image imposed by media and society.... Society does not support such self image in practice with the reality it presents. Plenty of women say they want to be fit, look like whatever idol,and even go to the gym, yadda yadda. But when it comes down to it.... They don't want to take the time, and take on what is an ongoing maintaining lifestyle. And they'd much rather be lazy and pig out on all the ever so available tasty food in modern societies.

I'm willing to bet a pretty penny that the girl Hunter was with would have got plenty fat all on her own at some point anyway. Leaving food around or openly serving it is not manipulative when someone readily eats it up.

Plus we need to remember that she probably did enjoy it as he suggests. But when society says that anything fat is evil - as I have experienced - girls will go to any length to conform for comfort and say they hate it all just for for show. Take away the bias and I bet you'd see a lot more openness for the girls who love to eat and who would otherwise have no other reason to hesitate getting fat.

There are plenty of girls out there who would love to eat as they please and inevitably be fat if it weren't for the massive pressure of pop culture telling them they should feel bad in the first place. These are the girls Hunter is talking about who seem to just 'pile on the pounds with ease'

I'm not trying to be sexist either. I'm a straight guy who likes fat (not morbidly obese) that's been my experience. I'm sure the same goes for women liking men, and gays, trans, whatever, too....
12 years

All my girlfriends get fat

Very well said Tea 4 ,,
Superbly written post, very true that women get a lot of enjoyment from being free from the constraints of diet and conformity, as my fiance put it when some girls start getting a little fat they often think sod it and just enjoy the ride. My girl moans some times about her size but soon forgets about that when she is craving a lt of soda & chinese takeaway. Me, well what am I to do about her, just enjoy the whole show (and nip to the shop for some more food & soda)smiley
12 years

All my girlfriends get fat

joswitch wrote:
And it's plain and obvious to the woman in question too.

So it's not "secret" feeding.

Because it's NOT a friggin' secret to whoever is eating the food and getting fat... that... they're eating the food and getting fat.

Secret feeding is doctoring people's food with supplements or whatever.

OP's actions could be described as somewhat manipulative, but in no way are they "secret".

Hmm, been ages since I've seen this topic... well, from your perspective, would you say he was doing a good thing to those women then, or a bad thing? Would you say he was being predatory or not? Would you call it 'subtle feeding/manipulative feeding/etc' or something else entirely?
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

I. agree with a lot of folks. Dude, that is all kinds of wrong!
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

So, not to put too fine a point on it, but the way this is heading, logically, when the wife was out of work a couple years ago, and I made sure there was food to eat, lights on, etc, then I was engaging in 'secret feeding?'

I'm sorry, but making sure there is food in the cupboard, and sometimes going out barely qualifies as 'feeding' let alone 'secret.'

By the definition in this thread, then every bread-winner in a single-income family is guilty of 'secret feeding.'

Granted, the OP is somewhat taking credit for something hat is *not* an accomplishment of his own, but more a matter of circumstance.

It's kind of braqgging about something dude had very little to do with in reality-- Kind of like those guys who show you a picture of their girlfriend/wife/sigO's butt, all proud-like, like they had anything to do with it's creation/maintenance...
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

chubbyhoney wrote:
Stefanydiwilmette wrote:
I liked the post.

I see no difference between and a woman who gains weight with a feeder and a woman who gains weight with a guy who is not a feeder, except that the feeder enjoys it. How many women in America have gotten fat without a feeder? Half the population, I would estimate.

So... your only thoughts are on whether the man enjoys it. You're not concerned whether the woman - the one you should be focussing on in a secret feeding scenario - enjoys it or not, or even if it is consensual.

Some men love secretly feeding a woman they know doesn't want to gain, they get off on it. Some men love seeing a woman gain then leave her for a thin woman so they can get off on it all over again, leaving a much fatter and unhappy ex-partner. People gain weight for all sorts of reasons and most don't want to - we're in the tiny minority here.

If you're a feeder and choose not to tell your partner and instead try to influence her to gain weight, you're a dishonest, manipulative and duplicitous person. Saying you're 'just a bad influence' is trying to justify your dishonesty to yourself so you don't have to acknowledge what you are doing is very wrong, even controlling and abusive.

I think there is a huge difference between don't like to gain and don't mind to gain... And to be honest those who don't mind to gain can be very sorry after a relationship has ended... I love the gain of a woman, but be very sure in the love of her for you and her liking to gain... only in that case it can improve your relationship.
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

mrendop wrote:
Hunter 9, the basic problem comes from your enjoyment of having perceived control over your girlfriends. If you go back and read your first post, you basically tell the story of a man hunting for a succeptible prey, and then moving in and controlling that person into achieving your goal. That is what is disturbing, man. Whether or not they would have gotten fat on their own is irrelevant, it is your creepy enjoyment of controlling them that is rather sick. Finding someone who wants to be fat, and helping and supporting them is one thing; your sense of enjoyment from the feeling of control is something else! Maybe you don't even realize how weird your behavior is, but I say again, read your first post.


You basically said what I was thinking when reading the OP.

I have been the "victim" of a secret feeder and it was an abusive and controlling relationship, which generally destroyed my self confidence. Being open and upfront about it allows that person to make the choice of acceptance or rejection, ok it may spoil some of the fantasy, but you must offer someone the respect and chance to make their own choices.

I mean feederism is one thing if both parties are aware of the others preferences and desires, otherwise there is a fine line separating this sort of activity from psychological abuse.

/end poorly worded (and thought through) mini rant.
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

Ok I dont like how the OP said that she was a real cow. But after reading the OP, I dont think thats secertly feeding. I've seen TONS of people after get married letting themselfs go or least finding someone.

I wouldn't say he was secertly feeding but i dont know the OP, but what he said is true. Lot of people try be skinny because society says they have to be to get a bf or gf and / or get married. But once you find someone most people let themselves go. Its not their partners fault, its the eaters fault. How do you know if the OP goes and buy all the food in the house? did you see him!? no? ok maybe she does it to herself.

So please stop making this into a fricking witch hunt, and just relate experences of your partners letting themselves go.
11 years

All my girlfriends get fat

are you guys having a laugh?

I was telling it from my perspective.

Of course my gf was into it.

I'll say it again though. I find it really hilarious that some of the people criticizing me have posted stuff on the forums that is pretty sick in itself. I mean immobility? Some of you criticizing me have encouraged this.
11 years
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