
Large for skinny

I'd prefer a much lighter partner, both for the purposes of attraction and just for practicality.

I'm rather...massive. 580lbs to be exact, and with a partner near that weight I'm not certain sex would even be possible. (And it would almost certainly destroy my bed to try as I'm nearly too much for it on my own.)

I like the idea of contrast; someone much thinner than me pressed against my soft flabby belly...sinking in slightly, me feeling my love-handles enveloping her a little. It's a very erotic thought.

As for taking off my clothes in front of such a woman...*swallows* I don't know; I would be nervous, and not only because I'm so fat (I'm also a virgin), but if I was positive of her attraction I'm sure I'd be able to take off my clothes.

As for her disrobing in front of me, experience. Though I'm sure I'd be interested.

Sex with a slim woman seems more practical to me, not to mention (as stated above) a bit more appealing sexually (part of my fetish is actually feeling massive in comparison to things, which is why I like the idea of getting stuck in doorways and wearing tight clothes). If I were to try with a woman close to my weight there'd be the issue of things possibly not reaching, and then the combined weight of the both of us would likely crush most bed frames.
11 years

Large for skinny

I'm am extrovert. I do stand up comedy, I was the class clown in high school. I'm an attention whore, if you will.

With that said, I am not shy about anything really. I've dated a very thin girl before and she didn't care about my size when it came time to get busy in bed. I've also dated larger women and, with me being about 400lbs it's harder to perform sex in just about every way...aside from doggy style. Both of us being large made it hard to keep it in the 'garage' for more than a few thrusts with either of us on top of the other.

Like Oni, I too enjoy the vast contrast with smaller women. You Snout, are the epitome of that extreme, sexy contrast in my mind.

Long story short... TO LATE!

>> How would you feel taking your clothes off infront of someone thinner?
>I'd be fine with it. You can tell I'm rather large so if they had a problem with it, it wouldn't have gotten to sex.<

>> How would you feel if someone thinner took their clothes off infront of you?
>Again, fine. I actually like girls that aren't shy to do that.<

>> Would you be any more nervous having sex with a thinner person than you would someone nearer your own weight?
>No. The only time I get nervous is when I write new jokes and I'm about to stand up in front of 100 new people lol... Although, I never take my socks off when 'making whoopie'<

I like all sizes, but the contrast of a 200lbs(or so) and under woman is always a big plus. *wink and a nod*
11 years

Large for skinny

As stated by others, I'd definitely have some anxiety about disrobing in front of an unknown-quantity.

If I'd at least gotten some hints as to them liking my body then it would be easier, but that's of course beside the point.

It would be easiest by far to be with someone from FantasyFeeder, whom I know to be attracted to my poundage.
11 years

Large for skinny

i never see myself being huge(i'm 190 now) so this might be a little different but the thought of a skinny girl finding my softness attractive or encouraging it would only peak my self esteem and comfort being naked and obviously sex too.
11 years

Large for skinny

I,for one, would love to be with a big,beautiful woman. If she really liked slim men,groovy! I have always wanted to feel like I am engulfed in a big, soft female body. It would be a plus if she were taller than me, as well.
11 years

Large for skinny

MsJello wrote:
I'm 5'4 450 so me being with someone my size is completely out of the question. It just wouldn't work as far as sex is conserved. To much belly getting in the way lol I've tried it,back when I was only 300 lbs and my partner was 400 lbs and sex was close to impossible.

I prefer very skinny partners,tall and under 200,the skinnier the better. I effin love the contrast of my huge gorgeous belly and rolls and his thin body being dwarfed by mines. Him melting in me,almost getting lost. It's a gorgeous sight to see and a very erotic feeling. The vulnerability on both our parts in that situation drives me crazy.

I have absolutely no problems being naked in front of my skinny partner as long as I know he's reverences every inch of my glorious body. I couldn't eff around with someone I think isn't truly into super sized women. That's not an emotionally safe situation and I'd never put myself in that situation with a skinny or a fat partner. If you love this fat body,its all yours and you can see every inch.

and I enjoy the hell out of looking at their skinny body. I find ALL body types beautiful sexy and appealing. But the body type that really does it for me is the skinny one.
Like I said I love the contrast and I love the sharp angles,the long gangly limbs,the lean muscle. *le sigh* show me the goods honey! Lol

It's all love here
And I feel just as comfortable with a skinny or average sized partner as i do with a fat partner. Sometimes even more so.

You expressed this utterly brilliantly! Sexy smiley
11 years