
Being ashamed of your fetish


Don't worry, alot of people have been in the same position before, I know I was before I found this place.

Growing up as a teenager, hearing other guys talk about what they found hot and what turned them on, silly common things like big boobs and a nice ass. I was different though, the only thing which has ever turned me on has been weight gain, be it my own or that of others.

I hated myself so much for it, felt I was a freak, having to live with this secret shame. Then I found Fantasy Feeder. smiley

Hang around here for a while, read the forums, look at pics and vids, talk to others. You'll quickly find you're not alone, you're not a freak, you just have more unique tastes.

Whenever that fact concerns you, feel free to come back here to "home" where the community is only too happy to welcome anyone and everyone, regardless of their particular interest. smiley
11 years

Being ashamed of your fetish

I predict you'll get more comfortable with yourself as you get older. Most people do.
11 years

Being ashamed of your fetish

I understand what it's like and I was afraid to say anything to my friends about what i prefered although interestingly enough once i just came right out and said something most of them agreed with me that my preference was actually something they fully understood. Glad i was just honest
11 years

Being ashamed of your fetish

I did not admit my attraction to larger women until I was 28 years old,due to fear of what society thought. The older I got, the easier it became to admit it. Joining this site makes me feel like I belong. As for my other fetishes,such as body inflation, hearing a cute BBW burp,I am still. a bit nervous about. Going through. some of the forum posts has lessend it quite a bit. You are not alone! Be well!
11 years

Being ashamed of your fetish

I have found myself in the same feelings, but made in highschool the 'mistake' to say to my friends which girls I found attractive, like they did... And I just was honest to them when I said a chubbier girls name...

I was bullied for 2 years after that... Just for being open and not fitting in the mainstreem... Attough no one told frankly it was because of my attraction, but related comments ect..It ended when I had to double a year... It was a

From that it took a while to admit to myself being a feeder... I found out when I got on the internet and was sure about my feelings when I found this site and seeing my wife slightly gain, unintentionally.

I didn't dare to speak out for a long time, not wanting to loose my wife because of my preference and kept it as a fantasyworld. But after 14y marriage I told her my true fetish, now she calls it my fattish, and suprisingly, she didn't reject it at all. She's not a feedee, but a true foodee, that loves her food and likes to carry the sideeffects of it for me... Now I don't feel ashamed anymore, in a pub I'm respected for my preferences for the bigger and the regulars know me. No strange reactions at all... They see my wife and I'm proud of her. But offcourse, I don't share the sexuality of it in public, just like nobody talks about their bedstories... I'm over the shame and it feels lovely.
11 years

Being ashamed of your fetish

I've sort of been up and down about it over the years. It didn't help that my introduction to the term 'feeder' (which did click into place in a 'so that's what I am' moment) was via the Channel 4 (uk) documentary 'Fat Girls & Feeders'. While it had a neutral-positive take on FAs, which I also identified as (obviously), its take on feedism and the examples used to demonstrate it were extremely negative. I hadn't come across places like FF, and given that generally, when the topic of feedism comes up it doesn't get a great press a lot of the negativity rubbed off. Quite a few of my middle-teenaged years were spent thinking that maybe they were right, that maybe I was an inherently manipulative, uncaring person who shouldn't get into relationships because I'd inevitably be hurting someone (and yes, I know there's an inherent contradiction in that reasoning, which I eventually noticed myself). It would be sad if it weren't so ridiculous how much our perception of ourselves and our motives can be twisted when we only hear other peoples' negative and false versions of them.

Things have generally improved, thanks in part to forums and tumblrs like this which have given a more positive (and importantly truer) perspective that has allowed me to stop second guessing myself quite so much. It's liberating to realise that you can be as good as you hope you are, and that your preferences needn't impact on that.

Apart from the odd smirk from a half-friend at uni I've never really had any shit from people who know my preference. As it is now I don't think anyone in my current social circle is aware of them, but that's not because I'm ashamed of them, it's simply because it's never yet been relevant to the conversation ('so, how're you doing on line-learning' 'I LOVE FAT WOMEN!' '...that's not in the script...' ). I figure the best way for anyone to find out is for them to see you with a partner of your choice, and for you to make it clear that they *are* your choice. And if they don't like it they can lump it.
11 years