

I work in a chocolate shop unfortunately I don't get to eat as much as I want. i still have to pay.I do get to try the new flavors coming in just so that I can tell the customers what I think of coursesmiley
11 years


Once former Marine, still a reservist; Studying in school right now computer science/software engineering. Changing schools soon though... as well as locale.
11 years


SilverRider wrote:
I work in telemarketing selling solar panels. Yep, I'm that cold caller you tell to piss off over the phone. But hey, at least I'm trying to save the world......

hahaa I dont tell them to piss off i ask them what theyre wearing in a sexy voice hahaaa
11 years


SilverRider wrote:
I work in telemarketing selling solar panels. Yep, I'm that cold caller you tell to piss off over the phone. But hey, at least I'm trying to save the world......

I used to be a telemarketer for a roofing company in Fla.Best part of that job was the answering machine for 1 customer we had trouble getting live.It was "The Twilight Phone"!

"A phone rings...A machine answers....You leave your name...You leave your number & you wonder...Have you reached The Twilight find out leave a message at the beep!(Twilight zone music)....Beeeeeeeeeep.

It was fun until 1 day the guy finally answered the phone...lolsmiley
11 years


ssmith17769 wrote:
hey guys i need help and couldnt find anywhere to put this. i like this skinny woman, but i don't know how to tell her about my fetish. help please?


Are you actually trying to tell us that your job is something to do with parallel universes or alternate realities? Cos it's possible this is the wrong thread on the wrong site otherwise... :$
11 years


I work at the National Watch and Clock museum as an educational assistant.
11 years


I'm the events manager for a company organising summer schools in the UK for hong kong schoolchildren. So I basically spend my time organising days out that I don't then get to go on smiley It's actually a pretty good job, though, happy to work there.

Certainly better than the year I spent working in market research call centres. The only blessing was that it wasn't sales :o
11 years