
Historic gluttons

Not sure if this is the right forum but I thought I would start a thread on historic gluttons. I was looking around on the internet for information on ancient Rome and found a bunch of stuff, but was wondering if folks wanted to share their favorite stories of historic gluttony smiley

Here is Vitellius for example:

"Vitellius is described as lazy and self-indulgent, fond of eating and drinking, and an obese glutton, eating banquets four times a day and feasting on rare foods he would send the Roman navy to procure. For these banquets, he had himself invited over to a different noble's house for each one."

"While the Vitellian army was indulging in riot, bloodshed, and vice, and the populace was kept amused by the frightful gladiatorial shows, the emperor spent his days in a sloth and gluttony that stand unrivalled in imperial records"
11 years

Historic gluttons

Can't believe no one mentioned Henry VIII of England. The very name calls to mind the image of a large man with drumstick in hand.

I also remember hearing of an Egyptian Pharaoh who loved food and it showed, but I can't think of the name...
11 years

Historic gluttons

King Edward VII of Britain and King Louis XVIII of France (played by Orson Welles in the film Waterloo)smiley
11 years

Historic gluttons

I would add queen Anne,_Queen_of_Great_Britain

Its very hard to find descriptions of her gluttonous lifestyle, but from readin Home by Bill Bryson, I learned that she got so fat that one of the first elevators in the world had to be built for her to get to the second floor of her castle.

11 years

Historic gluttons

Do Captain Lou Albano and Templeton The Rat count?
11 years

Historic gluttons

King Farouk of Egypt. Slim in his younger years, his enormous appetites lead to increasing corpulence, and eventually his overthrow. His biography, tellingly, is entitled "Too Rich".
11 years