
Skinny girls for fat guys

Yep. I've always been attracted to big guys. Ive always been told it's dating down, but it's what I like.
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

I see your thread-bump and raise you a nudge
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

Hey, I don't discriminate!

I'm a big guy and I like girls of all long as they are into big guys! smiley
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

krydrita wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
I know that on the rare occasions I've been approached by ladies in real life it's put me completely off balance. And my mind immediately goes to, "It's a prank, they want to humiliate me...". While I do recognize that I'm not unfortunate looking, it's hard to accept someone's professed attraction in the real world.

Believe it or not, this is actually part of the reason why I find it so hard to talk to big guys sometimes (or guys who are used to being unpopular). I worry that, if I just come out and say "I think you're beautiful," they'll just think I'm mocking them, in some way.

All through school, I was very, very unpopular, and considered ugly by all the fashion-obsessed social butterflies. Quite often, actually, guys would even make fun of me by feigning attraction, like cat calling or yelling after me as if they wanted my number, or saying any number of things. I was teased for quite a number of years before I grew out of my ugly duckling phase, and all that unwanted attention died off. It can be really hard.

So, as a result, if I ever do gather up the courage to talk to a larger guy, I always shoot immediately for "friend," and in no way let him know that I think he's attractive. I can talk with friends, and have fun with them, and be myself. If he knew I liked him, I fear that the relationship would change, and that I would suddenly get tongue-tied and mix up my words around him, and then start avoiding him to avoid my own clumsiness and embarrassment.

I dunno, it's all very stupidly insecure. And anyway, I've never actually been able to find a guy I found both physically attractive and a good match personality-wise whom I've had the courage to talk to. So this is all really hypothetical.

It seems such a cruel catch-22. We crave love and attraction. And relationships. But when they're close we withdraw.
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

A smaller girl for bigger guys but taken also smiley x Fatter guys are definitely the sexiest x
11 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

somewhereintx wrote:
Mr Gosh wrote:
somewhereintx wrote:
I have a thin, athletic build (I work out a lot) and I have the hardest time getting bigger guys to believe i'm attracted to them, especially ones in the 500+ range.

It's been ingrained in us, since childhood in a lot of cases, that big is bad. We'll be unhealthy, unattractive, unwanted, unhappy as long as we look the way we do. It's straight up indoctrination. When we see that beautiful being at the gates of the Jonestown compound holding out a loving hand we ache to accept it and surrender to it but we can't help looking back at that cup of tainted kool-aid, seductively beckoning us with the sweet release from the possibility of rejection which we fear is imminent.

Right, which makes it seem impossible to make more big guys believe that there are thin women who are genuinely interested in them.

I know, it's awful...and I'm guilty of it myself. Though in my case I doubt the girl in question was an FFA. But still, my first reaction is always dubiousness.
10 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

That's me! But i feel like public criticism isn't as common but i definitely feel like a lot of judgement comes from the people who actually matter. My preference is seen as a joke which makes me think my boyfriend is in a roundabout way a joke too. So i wouldn't say we have it easier. This life is hard. But yea im all about that size contrast.
10 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

We see stories like this all the time here, from both sides. In general, by the time someone who's very overweight gets to adulthood, society has done a real number on their head with all the "You're worthless" messages.

The solution is definitely to be more proactive, on both sides.
10 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

bradd89 wrote:
I swear the area where I live sucks for slim girls who like fat guys.

PS. single fat guy right here lolsmiley

I think that is most of australia mate smiley

I have noticed the majority of women that like larger guys tend to be in the US or some in Europe Australia is not a great place to be a larger person (which is ironic seeing as we are the second largest in term of overweight in the world behind the US) you'd think being more of us that it would make it a bit easier however looks like we might have to look overseas to find that special someone.
10 years

Skinny girls for fat guys

bradd89 wrote:
Paparoach wrote:
bradd89 wrote:
I swear the area where I live sucks for slim girls who like fat guys.

PS. single fat guy right here lolsmiley

I think that is most of australia mate smiley

I have noticed the majority of women that like larger guys tend to be in the US or some in Europe Australia is not a great place to be a larger person (which is ironic seeing as we are the second largest in term of overweight in the world behind the US) you'd think being more of us that it would make it a bit easier however looks like we might have to look overseas to find that special someone.

that is per capita tho that aren't necessary more fat people in australia than other places it is just the population size that makes us second or what ever australia

you're right but either way still sucks
10 years
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