
Fat and height

The only thing I've noticed about in in terms of height preference is that I don't like women to be the same height as myself. I am 5'7, so just a hair above average but not crazy tall. I kind of get bothered if another woman is 5'6-5'8. It's like they invade my space or something, I don't know. Short girls are cute, tall girls are cute. Girls are usually just cute in general smiley
13 years

Fat and height

Being a bit short for a guy at 5'8"/5'9", I've come to prefer shorter women. However, it's not really something I intentionally seek out, just an added bonus if true. Anybody who does regard height to be a deal breaker seems a bit odd to me.
13 years

Fat and height

At 6'6" I'd be hard pressed to find a girl taller than I guess that leaves me saying "Shorter girls are good" lol.

That being said I've never had the courage to ask a girl out...I did drunkenly grope a girl once though *completely conscentual mind you, it was my 18th birthday and the girl let me have a birthday grope...*

But I digress...
13 years

Fat and height

I'm more of a proportional sort of guy. I like my ladies to be at a weight that looks good for their height. Obviously a girl that is 5'1" and like 185-190 will look way different than 5'10" lady at the same weight.
12 years

Fat and height

i'm 6'1 and 350lbs
12 years

Fat and height

I am close to the 5'10" range in height, and I am usually attracted to ladies who are only an inch or two shorter than I am (It's really easy to look them in the eyes then, which I love). As for size, I think it is a proportional thing for me, it definitely depends on the height of the lady.
12 years

Fat and height

I'm about 5'10 and 200andsomethingy lbs atm (unsure exactly, as I haven't even seen a scale for years).

While I don't think I'd say 'no' to someone based purely on her height, I have to admit to preferring shorter women. There's this delicious contradiction in a short fat woman, in that she's big and small at the same time smiley
11 years

Fat and height

I'm 6'2" 420lbs. I've been with my fair share of short women. It doesn't bother me. Though the last girl I was with was about 5'7"...5'8"

I thought that was a perfect height. All through high school I always like the taller girls too.

Fat or skinny? Make no difference to me. I like both
11 years

Fat and height

Height really doesn't matter for me, but I do have a thing for short girls. :]
11 years

Fat and height

When I was a teen I thought I preferred short girls....eventually I realized that I like good posture, and at that age the short girls were largely trying to look taller so had good posture, and the falls ones were slumping down to look shorter.

But I'm only 5'8" and a smidge, so I was probably more comfortable with women on the short side of average....but ended up marrying one taller than average. You just never know how these things will work out.
11 years
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