
New to this- question!


I've only recently discovered that I have a slight fetish with girls gaining weight- hell I didn't even know it was a thing until last month- and I have a predicament, of sorts.

Basically, I've been with my girlfriend a year now we met in first year of university and are now in second year, and it's going really well- I love her and wouldn't want to lose her at all. When we first started going out she was very, very skinny, around 7 1/2st at 5'6ish. I never really gave it much thought she had a nice body with good curvy legs (did ballet and gymnastics for years so they were strong)

Over the past four months she's started picking up my eating habits, I do a decent amount of exercise as I play football and eat a lot to compensate- in addition to this she's stopped drinking wine in favour of beer- again picking up a habit of mine. Needless to say she's put on a noticeable amount of weight she's just under 10st I think at the moment.

The thing that took me so by shock however was my reaction to it. When I realised she'd put on weight I started to get really... aroused, for want of a better term. She looks great, weights gone to her legs and boobs mainly with a bit on her stomach.

Here lies the problem- I don't know whether to tell her about this fetish of mine. On the one hand I'm almost positive she doesn't share it and if I mention it our sex life could get..tense. On the other hand- she has a big thing with domination, she loves it (sorry if graphic), I was thinking maybe we could sort of "mix" our fetishes, if I fed her in a dominating way we could both get our fill. I dont want her to get huge (realise this may not be the place to say that!) just maybe another stone or so, bit more of a belly I'd really like.

Anyway, sorry for the essay! My question is simple- should I tell her about my fetish? It could make out relationship weird or better...If anyones had a similar experience before, please share!

Thanks for reading smiley
11 years

New to this- question!

Nobody got any wisdom? smiley

Is this in the wrong forum or?
11 years

New to this- question!

The big thing is that you don't want to do too much too fast - and you don't want to force anything.

So I'd say just wait for the opportunity that feels right.

Like if she mentions her gain, you can say "actually, I think you look better now" and then lead in from there.

Or if you're talking about her domination, maybe you could mention "you know I never realised before, but I've found you even more attractive when you gained the weight... etc"

Or something to that effect
11 years

New to this- question!

I agree with Jules. No need to come right out and label it your fetish. Tell her she's hot. Tell her she's gorgeous. Make it clear you fancy her. She'll get the idea - that you generally like the way she looks now.

If you want to feed her in a sexual way, you can introduce that idea without having to explain it goes along with a fetish. Lots of people think that food is sexy - try it first with something that "vanilla" people might do, like strawberries dipped in chocolate, or indulgent food you bought her as a gift, and see if she enjoys it. Or just get up earlier than her and make her waffles or pancakes smothered in butter and syrup and bring them back to bed, have breakfast in bed, and have sex straight after, caressing her full tummy. From there you can maybe start merging the two the next time, make it a domination thing, tell her she has to eat it ALL up or there'll be consequences.

I'm not sure an announcement is the right way to go - just act like you enjoy her figure (that should be easy), give her compliments, every time you have food together, spoon her a mouthful of yours telling her how delicious it is.

After all, you're saying this is a new thing for you too - why not wait and see how you enjoy things like this first. You never know, it could be a passing thing - or the way you feel about weight might be specific to her. You might just really like the way she looks right now rather than every chubby woman...?

(Sorry, I'm not trying to patronise you, I'm sure if you say you have a fetish then you do, but y'know, people do get super into stuff and then go off it sometimes. Every time I fall in love with (say) a thin man, a fat man, a man with a beard, an angular man, a toned man, a tanned man, a pale man... I think I LOVE that thing... but usually it turns out I just like THEM not beards/fatness/angularity etc in general. If that makes sense. And the next person I fall in love with is completely different. Sorry if you're 100% sure fat/weight gain/feederism is your thing - it just seemed from the way you were telling it that you were only recently discovering all this stuff - which is cool and amazing if you are).

Good luck, have fun smiley
11 years

New to this- question!

Hmm, If you want to be bold, seeing as she likes the domination thing, you could always go with, "you are looking so much better since i've been fattening you up" smiley

Risky, and potential to backfire, but could put a sexy doubt in her mind as to whether her recent weight gain has been her doing or in your control all along...
11 years

New to this- question!

Wow, thanks for all of the replies!

The general advice seems to be that I should bring it up casually and maybe gradually bring up the fact that I like her putting on weight. This seems like a good plan- pretty safe and could turn out so well smiley

To the person asking if I'm sure that it's my fetish... I agree, I'm not sure that it is, it could be just in relation to the fact that she's put on the weight, very confusing either way.

Thanks guys- this was a really weird question for me to ask- what with being so confused and not knowing this was a known fetish with communities but you've eased my mind- and not made me feel like a weirdo! smiley
11 years