Extreme obesity

Fantasy (ish) question...

Looking at the immobility threads here I see a lot of people saying that they wouldn't want to be that size for real, only in fantasy. Equally there are people saying that they want immobility no matter what. But just lately I've been wondering about something; if you had the chance, either by accident or choice, to become the absolute fattest human being ever - not just living now, but like *ever*, for all time - would you want that?

I'm thinking something like as you're going through puberty, your metabolism goes completely screwy in a way that nobody else's ever has, and you end piling on weight uncontrollably until you reach a size somewhere between...ooh, 2000 to 5000 pounds before you finally stop gaining. An impossible but kind of vaguely imaginable sort of size? Nobody else has ever been as big as you are now, and nobody else ever will be. The scientists are going crazy over what's happened to you, guaranteeing that you're always going to have someone around to take care of you, and if nothing else you've just gotten yourself a place in the history books, and are world-famous for being so unbelievably fat.

I just think it'd be fun to look up the word 'obesity' in the dictionary, and find a picture of yourself with the caption 'pretty much that' under it. Has anyone else imagined life as the fattest human being ever?
11 years

Fantasy (ish) question...

On a fantasy level that sounds awesome. In real life that question becomes a little stickier for me.

As in, does this metabolic "disorder" protect me from things like bed-sores, diabetes, and heart disease? If yes, then I'm all over it and I say sign me up yesterday. If no, then I'll pass.
11 years

Fantasy (ish) question...

wesleyv1 wrote:
dublover42 wrote:
wesleyv1 wrote:
dublover42 wrote:
wesleyv1 wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
On a fantasy level that sounds awesome. In real life that question becomes a little stickier for me.

As in, does this metabolic "disorder" protect me from things like bed-sores, diabetes, and heart disease? If yes, then I'm all over it and I say sign me up yesterday. If no, then I'll pass.
i doubt you'd have to worry about bed sores being 2000-5000 pounds there would be a bed big enough

If you do not move you can still develop sores or worse, grafting to the fabric if you are not moved or do not move on your own enough...
what fabric? Ok maybe the worlds biggest quilt but in lou of that no bed no fabric and you could always lay on your stomach

lol what is your beds exterior if it's not fabric? The point is that if you do not move, baaad things can happen :-P
i was referring to what i said before about if someone was 2000-5000 pounds no bed in the world would hold them however i do see your point

Yeah, despite the name, 'beds' aren't really the cause of 'bedsores'...
11 years

Fantasy (ish) question...

OniGumo wrote:
As in, does this metabolic "disorder" protect me from things like bed-sores, diabetes, and heart disease?

I guess I was thinking that such massive and sudden weight gain would almost certainly guarantee you enough medical and scientific attention; you'd be so huge that there's no way you could be left on your own. So external problems like bedsores etc could be dealt with by whoever's looking after you.

As for internal probs...well, ideally there'd be none, obviously. But if we're going to be realistic about it, then again no matter what happened you'd have the best medical attention possible.

I think. smiley
11 years