
My wife finally commented ....

Last week we were on vacation eating some great meals and having some fun in the sun.

Now I have been back and forth for a good part of six months working out and doing some abs and trying to cut up a bit with next to no success. A few years back if I gained 10 Lbs. I could lose it in a couple of weeks and start to get some slight abs back another month later with some great workouts.

So I have noticed over the past year especially that I don't really lose any weight these days even after watching what I eat and some good workouts, so I have gone back and forth eating good and then kind of pigging out to see if my wife notices the results. The minute I start to pig out I really start to get a big belly going .....Several of these times I have gained a good amount of weight that was quite noticeable.....needless to say she said nothing.

Way back in the past she let me know she liked me more cut up and not so muscular. I was into body building a bit and became pretty muscular with a very slight protruding belly back then.

So I don't know if her taste has changed or what.

So the other day we were lounging at the beach on our vacation and then we decided to go up to the pool and lay out up there. She grabbed a couple of Lounge chairs and I went to get some towels for our chairs. When I got back from walking to get them I bent over to lay one on her chair, I heard her say "look at that gut"! It was kind of shocking but no more talk or gestures about it. Funny thing was even though my gut is getting pretty huge I had an empty stomach and to me it was looking a good 4 inches smaller than after I start to eat. So Later we had a huge fattening dinner, desert and I kept eating like a fat pig. Keep in mind she is starting to pack on the Lbs. pretty good again also.....which I love more than anything. She was looking pretty damn good in her bikini that looks easily a few sizes to small for her huge thighs, belly and huge breasts. While we were eating dinner and she was getting a little tipsy with a few drinks she was rubbing my side while we were sitting and then slightly pinchingmy distended belly at it's heavy crease and squeezing it.....I said nothing and nether did she. Later when we were leaving I told her that this place reminded me of another place when we we first married she came close to me as to give me a hug and grabbed and squeezed and jiggled my chest and then said while palming my big old Gut and shaking it "I don't remember all of this".

I wonder if she likes the new Gut or if she was just buzzed?

TBC ......she is summons me to the table for dinner she just cooked.....Possibly she wants to help grow this Gut?
11 years

My wife finally commented ....

i would say in vino veritas ^^ m freind she likes it so mch but doesn´t dare to say it when she is sober and not so brave i wuld guess .

and such a nice story thanks for sharing hehe
11 years

My wife finally commented ....

I wonder if your right?

Last night after a big dinner and two deserts my Gut was huge.....she said nothing. Even after I ate a huge dinner and two deserts with three full glasses of milk. I made a comment "I wonder why I am not that hungry" after I just ate enough for two men..... in hopes to get a comment out of her. While she was taking a shower I viewed my huge Gut in the mirror several times and could barely believe the size it has grown to ....especially after I eat! It was so Tight, distended and huge, not only out in front of me but it has really started pushing out wide and round on my sides as well....I decided to measure it while was 47" at it's biggest spot while stuffed to the limits. She had to have noticed it out there in all it's glory in a pair of pajama pants with no shirt on. But no comments still!

I guess I am going to have to get her nice and tipsy again and flaunt my big old Gut with her in an intimate setting to see if your right. I really am anxious to see if she opens up and shows me signs of liking it. Maybe your right.....when she packs on the Lbs. on to her already very healthy/chunky/some would say fat sexy figure she doesn't really hide all the new Lbs. in her revealing clothes but actually rocks it.

I can't wait to see the next comments or actions from her!
11 years