
Test fitness as i gain

Fitness levels decrease very quickly after weight gain and less/none aerobic/cardio activity.

I would say the best one is running on a treadmill which is lower impact compared to on the street and a bit easier. If it is you and your partners satifaction with how "out of shape" you are getting this will be a very exciting/ erotic test.

Start very slow and a slight incline, increase the incline and not the speed and in no time you will be winded and panting and out of breath as well as seeing some extra jiggle/wiggle going on.

Another good one would be a stationary bike. Start out slow and increase fairly rapidly since it should be quite a bit easier than running. Make sure to where some tight gym clothing with your belly hanging over the waistband because the view for your partner on this excercise with your butt spread across the seat and your belly rolls pushed out in front of you resting on your lap will really do the trick. Plus I imagine you will lose breath pretty quick and struggle to pedal thus hopefully turn you both on before quiting fairly quick.

Hope this works, did I get this right, is this the effect you were going for?
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

Weightgainer wrote:
Darill wrote:
You can periodically see how many push ups, sit ups, and squats you can do it a minute. You can also see how far you can go running before getting tired

I could do that except I all ready struggle with sit-ups and push ups smiley and running is definitely not on the top of my list of favourite things to do in my spare time! How about skipping? I recon I could manage that..

Voluptuouslover has some excellent ideas but if you want to try skipping, go for it - it's deceptively hardcore although it looks easy. There's a reason why boxers who need to be super fit do it!

You need a proper plastic, weighted skipping rope from a sports shop (basic ones are cheap, like £3.00, not a rope/string type kids' one. They spin better and you won't be struggling to make it fly round.

Skipping should be one jump per revolution, not (as we girls did at school) a slow turn of the rope with a little extra jumpy hop in between each revolution. Here's how to do it:

If you can do a minute of basic skipping (no fancy footwork or knees-up business, just jumping rope) without stopping that's pretty amazing. It would be a really quick and easy way to measure your decreasing fitness.

You'll find that as you get less fit you make more mistakes and trip over the rope, because you just don't have the energy to make a big enough jump or fast enough to keep up with the spin of the rope.

I was amazed after not exercising for a while and putting on a bit of weight how quickly I lost the ability to do 100 skips in a row without messing it up.

Also as an extra bonus it really makes any extra weight jiggle noticeably and you get out of breath really fast (I'm assuming that would be fun for you and your feeder smiley).

Have fun!
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

I would just see how many time you can go up and down a flight of stairs in one minute. Pretty simple test.
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

Weightgainer wrote:
[quote]voluptuouslover wrote:
Fitness levels decrease very quickly after weight gain and less/none aerobic/cardio activity.

I would say the best one is running on a treadmill which is lower impact compared to on the street and a bit easier. If it is you and your partners satifaction with how "out of shape" you are getting this will be a very exciting/ erotic test.

Start very slow and a slight incline, increase the incline and not the speed and in no time you will be winded and panting and out of breath as well as seeing some extra jiggle/wiggle going on.

Another good one would be a stationary bike. Start out slow and increase fairly rapidly since it should be quite a bit easier than running. Make sure to where some tight gym clothing with your belly hanging over the waistband because the view for your partner on this excercise with your butt spread across the seat and your belly rolls pushed out in front of you resting on your lap will really do the trick. Plus I imagine you will lose breath pretty quick and struggle to pedal thus hopefully turn you both on before quiting fairly quick.

Hope this works, did I get this right, is this the effect you were going for?

Wow thanks for the ideas, I love them! You really did put alot of thought into them. I'd love to hear any other ideas you might have to show my boyfriend how my gain has effected me.[/quot

I am glad you liked my suggestions, here are a few more things that should be pretty sexy and erotic for your partner and yourself with regard to weight gain and restrictions and struggles with your new growing figure.....which I would like to say looks incredible.

Most of these really work better when you are really full after a big meal to get the full effect of how the weight gain really has made a difference or makes you struggle more now.

1. In a sexy pair of tiny panties and Bra/tank top or camisole that certainly has your lower belly exposed. Sit down and cross your legs while slightly bending over and paint your toes leaving you slightly struggling for breath while very femininely painting showing all your new curves and rolls of fat on your belly and your soft fat thighs squished together. (Your boy should really love watching this). You might even want to throw in a "my belly is so fat now I can barely do this with out losing my breath" while gasping slightly and breathing heavier.

2. Subtle sexy talk regarding things you can't do anymore because of the weight gained while he is able to view you physically while you can't do the task.

2a. For example: Take a nice warm shower with him and have him softly soap your back with him being behind you and as he works his way up to your shoulders say to him "my belly Is getting so fat and big I can't even see my feet while I am standing up looking down anymore". While you say this he will look down over your shoulders to see what you mean and trust me it is such a great vision I have done this many times with my wife.....your belly and thighs will look so much bigger and fatter to him at this angle he will absolutely lose control. It is a totally different angle that us guys don't always get to see. I remember the first time I did this with my wife not knowing, I actually said to myself "Wow my wife is getting so fat" even though she wasn't looking nearly that big at a different angle. Not to mention you commenting about not seeing your feet and then he looks down from that angle for the first time to see all your growing lusciously fattened figure with soap glistening over your belly and thighs. Something about being in the shower with my wife she has always looked so much heavier and fatter to me, not to mention smelling the nice aroma of soap all over her fattened up body.

2b. While sitting on the couch eat some ice cream seductively after a huge meal preferable with your belly peaking out of a tank top and your legs crossed exposing the growth of your thighs. As you finish the bowl/pint or half gallon make some light sighs and some heavier breaths and then lean over with a slow struggle to put the finished bowl of ice cream on the coffee table in front of you still with your legs crossed. Then say in a soft voice "honey, I can't stop eating" along with some soft breaths showing how even this effort has slightly winded you.
Then hold out your hand to him and ask if he could help you up to your feet. He will first notice the effort he has to put into get you off the couch to your feet. When you are up on your feet slowly walk to the kitchen with your hands on reverse turned just above your love handles and pushing down slightly accentuating extra love handle bulges..... to find something else to snack me his eyes will follow where you are struggling to go and when he sees you are going back for another snack after you couldn't even get off the couch without his help his penis will be ready to cut diamonds. "Trust me" all of us guys love the out of control eating we witness and can't wait for the new fat Lbs. to arrive on our woman's figure.

2c. Trying to fit into some outgrown clothes and sitting down in them even if you cant even fasten a button even better showing the true constriction that they have now. Make sure while you are trying on outfits to mix in plenty of fatty snacks and then complain " I can't believe these don't fit anymore" and other comments like that while you keep eating.

These are some things that us FA's who are into weight gain love. Anything visual (showing all the new fat) along with some vulnerable sweet fat talk and incorporating some uncontrollable eating makes our temperature rise pretty fast.

Let me know if you want anymore?
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

It doesn't show how out of shape your getting but, if you want to see how you are progressing start a weight gain diary.

Some people do it weekly, some do it monthly, but take pictures of yourself in the same clothes and same angles each time, document your weight and take measurements. If you can take the pictures in the same spot you can look and see how your growing.

Even if you wanted to, you could draw a line on the wall to show how much your belly is sticking out, or how wide your hips are getting.
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

ah that is such a hot topic hehe ...i would love to have sort of evil doctor girl who fattens me up on one hand and tries to measure my fitness afterwards and tell me how i changed and that i got fat here there and now to really show me make some comparable fitnesstests after every 5kg of weight gain :-)
11 years

Test fitness as i gain

I do really like the skipping idea, it is a great one! The only issue I could see is that many indoor spaces have ceilings that are too low for adults to skip comfortably, while many outdoor spaces could invite gawkers smiley So while you are waiting to get that rope, figure out where you can comfortably do that one. For the stairs, if you have access to a building with a lot of stairs that don’t get much traffic, I’d make that how many stairs you can climb in one minute—going down stairs gets harder on the knees as you get fatter, so I wouldn’t suggest doing that in a rush.

A few more ideas (these are inspired by the Canada Fitness tests my age group had to do in grade school, but I replaced the tests with things that you could more realistically do--given that you are already fat and probably not in great shape--but which measure the same basic things)

- Wall push ups. Choose a distance from the wall to put your feet, such that with straight arms you are still leaned in toward the wall a bit. The do ‘push-ups’ against the wall. Best measure is probably how many good ones you can do without stopping, but could also see how many you can do in a minute. Just need to make sure that each time you do it the distance from feet to wall, and between your hands, is the same.
- Shuttle ‘run’ (walk, waddle….). You need a room or hallways with some length to it for this one (say at least 8-10 long steps for you). Measure a distance about six long steps for you (so that the distance will be the same each time you do this). Have three small objects (bean bags, cans of soup, whatever you can easily grab and carry in one hand), and put one of them on the floor at one end and the other two on the floor at the other end. Start behind the one object, lying on the ground in a push up position. At the start signal get up and hurry to the other end and grab one of the objects off the floor, then return it to the starting end, put it down and pick up the object that was there. Take it back to the far end, get the last object and bring it back past your start point. See how long the whole thing takes. There is getting up, accelerating, decelerating, bending down…all things that will get harder as you get fatter. Bonus for your guy if you do this in very little clothes.
- Time how long you can stand on one foot, then the other foot. Add these up, and see how this changes over time. Balancing on one foot works the core muscles, so the more out of shape you are and the more weight you have to balance, the shorter the time will get.
- (this one will leave some pencil marks on your wall). With a dull pencil held in your hand (so that it is not sticking out much) stand next to a wall, jump, and see how high you can leave a mark. Do it five times and see how high you can get. Obviously both losing fitness and getting heavier will limit how high you can jump.
- For this one you need a step or low (solid!) bench. Step up with one foot, step up with your second foot, step down with your first foot, step down with your second foot—that is one ‘step.’ Do as many of them as you can in 20 seconds (this checks your anaerobic capacity mostly, as well as strength in your legs versus weight)
- Choose some place where you can walk freely, like around a park or something, and figure out a fixed route around it. Walking as briskly as you can (even jogging, if you are up to it for short stretches) so how far you can get in fifteen minutes. This is more a test of longer-term endurance and wind.

Whatever you do, I hope you both have fun with it! (and if we are really lucky, maybe you'll tell us about it too?)
11 years