
Fave video game character

Samus is pretty damned awesome.
11 years

Fave video game character

Like Greywinter I can't narrow it down to one, but here are some that clammoured to the front of my mind loudest:

James Sunderland & Angela (Silent Hill 2) - Excellent protagonist for a journey into one man's personal hell, and a young woman who been in her own long before reaching Silent Hill...

Kane (Command & Conquer) - Beard of awesome, bald of Awesome, awesome rhetoric, badass awesome army of awesome etc

George Stobart (Broken Sword) - Can always raise a smile, especially due to Rolf Saxon's voiceover.

GLaDOS (Portal) - Need I say more, you monster?
11 years

Fave video game character

ChilvilarousBellyLover wrote:
Yuri (Command and Conquer Red Alert series) Be one with Yuri.

Atris (Myst Series) Give a man the ability to create and explore any world he can dream of....

Yuri and Atrus? Good choices, sir!
11 years

Fave video game character

I'm not really a huge gamer, but I have a few that I totally love

1. Mario (Always have, always will. Mario tatts coming soon! lol)

2. Vega (Yes, from Street Fighter.)

3. Link

4. Reptile (From MK)
11 years

Fave video game character

John Marston. Red Dead Redemption might well have stolen my heart, I think he might well be the finest example of a video game script writing so far seen. It was an absolute pleasure to play as him.

Francis L4D Larger than life, most of the best dialogue in the franchise belongs to him. Why do I always choose Louis? Oh right yeah, because Zombie killing is an equal opportunity business.

Lee and Clementine, Tell Tale Walking Dead Symbiotic relationship, the resonance from these two made the game for me. Just play it. The best point and click adventure game I have played since...

Sam and Max... Hit the Road No words, need to be said, mad cap lunacy, only Full Throttle and Grim Fandango match it for me, sorry Guy Brush. If you are too young to remember the original then ...
11 years

Fave video game character

niko bellic !
11 years

Fave video game character

Probably Duke Nukem, he's a hilarious parody of testosterone pumping action heroes and at the same time still totally badass if you can get past his crude humor. It's a bummer DNF sucked so hard.
11 years

Fave video game character

Lately my favorite videogame characters have been Morrigan and Alistair from Dragon Age Origins. Morrigan is such a b!tch lol and Alistair is a total goofball. Also their interplay is hilarious.
11 years

Fave video game character

1)Tidus(FFX) He looks cool, is kick ass at sports and his celebration is throwing his sword in the air and catching it. Plus shows that main characters don't have to be grumpy and brooding.

2)Hwoarang(Tekken) Another who looks cool and there is nothing better than getting one of your mates with one of his long kicking combos where theres nothing they can do.

3)Guan Ping(Dynasty Warriors) Had to choose someone from Dynasty Warriors as I spent a lot of my childhood playing through the various campaigns with a friend, and Guan Ping has a sword that's as big as him, enough said
11 years

Fave video game character

I also want to say that Galen Marrek (Vader's Secret Apprentice) is a pretty compelling character, at least in the first Force Unleashed game.

The second game is only fun inasmuch as you get to wreck sh!t.
11 years