Lifestyle tips

How you know you're a fatty :)

wait - do thin people take more than one sitting to eat a single chocolate bar?
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

TheBlackWizards wrote:
mones sunu wrote:
This seems like a good time to add that "fun size" is a woefully inadequate term. A "fun size" piece of candy should be one you can hop around on like a moon bounce.

Totally agree.

When it comes to something like chocolate, surely the amount of fun is proportional to the size of the bar!

Yeah, you wouldn't get away with rubbish like that in other contexts...shot glasses becoming 'fun-sized pints' would cause rioting...
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

Your jeans can be simultaneously too tight and too loose, depending on whether you put them over or under your belly.
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

The staff in the greasy spoon opposite my house gave my boyfriend a discount "because your girlfriend is always in here".
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

SilverRider wrote:

my boyfriend is apprehensive about having showers with me cus i have "no concept of how big i am" and he thinks i might knock him over lol.


Haha, this one made me laugh, tell him tough toenails smiley
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

When you get a call from the tuxedo shop that says, "we can't seem to locate a shirt that will accomodate you".

When you break both clasps that hold your pants on when at a wedding.

When you are sitting at the edge of a couch and go to get up. Your belly is in the way and so you heave yourself up. Suddenly you hear a crack from the couch. You broke the wood across the front of the couch.

When you sweat when you eat.

Your drivers side seat is worn out from plopping your ass down on it.

You wear out mattresses quickly.

The doc's scale just won't weigh you anymore. In fact the nursing staff stops trying.
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

Every birthday card you get has pictures of food and sayings like "eat all your cake" or some other type of food challenge.
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

Today I found that Im a fatty and my friend too lol

A couple female friends took us for a ride in their small car, we went in the back side and could not fit properly.

The girls started to tease us about how wide we are, we had even a hard time to put the seat belts, couldnt connect the plug to the seat plug since it was under my friend leg hams smiley
11 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

When the restaurant across from work knows your phone number and has your meal already done by the time you call.
10 years

How you know you're a fatty :)

You know you're a fatty when you need a seat belt extender in the airplane. I proudly asked for my first one the other day.
10 years
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