
Look at this utter rubbish!

decreasing the income of the obese is SO beyond stupid
its been proven that as income levels drop, obesity rises

so way to be counter productive hurr durrr
11 years

Look at this utter rubbish!

mones sunu wrote:
If they go through with it, the silver lining will be a pretty solid documentation of such a thing being an utter failure.

Since when has the failure of a proposal for weight loss been spun as anything other than the (usually moral) failure of the person undertaking it? The papers will simply scream 'Look! We did so much to help them, and the lazy ***ers are still fat' Then cue the next round of bullshit.
11 years

Look at this utter rubbish!

They already do something similar to this in Japan: It took me a bit of googling to find an article on it because it'd been a while since I had heard about it. In any case it seems the focus is always on fat and not on health. Weight gain and diseases like diabetes are a symptom of a poor diet, not of fat itself, so when people target fat as the problem it's like trying to stop a running nose to cure the flu.
11 years