Lifestyle tips

Negative comments hurt

This has helped a few others with the same problem:

You look fantastic btw!
11 years

Negative comments hurt

TheMarshmallow wrote:
While I can't help with family, When it comes to being out in public, there's no need to worry about getting comments or even people having negative thoughts when you're at the weight you're supposed to be. You really need to be huge before that starts happening, so try to keep that in mind, alright?

My experiences disagree with this lol I had alot of fat phobic things said/shouted at me when I was like 130 pounds lol which isnt even fat !

so instead of like, waiting for your family and strangers to change their minds and accept you, which in regards to your family may or may not happen

Id try working on researching health and fat so you have a really good knowledge of how fat affects health, when you do it becomes very easy to brush off all the health comments because you simply know theyre wrong, you can also help to educate your family
11 years

Negative comments hurt

Bejewler wrote:
So for the past.. well forever, I have always been thin. My family called me "Skinney Mini", always refered to me as beautiful and how I always looked so happy etc. (I weighed about 115-125)

Recently I have put on some weight (Now 145) and things have changed. They no longer call me beautiful, pretty, healthy, nothing. Everytime I see anyone in my family they will make a comment saying I need to excersise and to watch what I'm eating, and how "they can tell I'm gaining weight" Not to mention they talk about me behind my back.

Now I personally don't think I am anywhere near un-healthy ( I had eating problems that caused me to be very sick for the past few years and now I feel 2X better than I did before)but having all this negative energy around me is really getting me down. It's gotten to the point where I don't want to see my family (Minus my Mom), I don't want to go out in public unless I'm wearing baggy clothes, and I just feel un attractive.

I love my lifestyle but the way my family constantly reacts to me is really making me re-think my whole way of life. Does it ever stop? I mean the hurt that comes from once being " Their little princess" (their words not mine) to being "the unhealthy one who needs to smarten up"?

Sorry for the long post but you guys are the only one's who may or may not know how I feel.

It's possible it's coming from a place of concern from the rest of your family (if not respectfully communicated) or simply because of the cognitive dissonance this is causing. In their mind you are the skinny one in the family most likely, so to see that you're a bit curvier throws their perception of you completely out of whack. The best thing to do right now I think is to talk to them about it and make it known that while they might be trying to help you, their negative comments are hurtful. Kindly discuss with them that you like your body the way it is, your happier, and that the things they are saying are pushing you away from them, which you would hate to happen because you love all of them (a bit of an assumption their, but it sounds like you do care about them). Try all that and see how things go, communication is key in most problems.
11 years