
All 12 mcdonald’s meals

holy crap! i could do 3 or 4 of them. maybe 5 or 6 if i really pushed myself. but all 12? no way.

I really hope you try this, and I really really really hope you take pictures for us. Good luck!!
11 years

All 12 mcdonald’s meals

If I tried that I'd probably die or something. I eat one hamburger from McD's and I can barely move for the cramps and abdominal pain I get.

I'll stick to my four Monster Thickburgers in a sitting.
11 years

All 12 mcdonald’s meals

That would be epic, even for PinkyDear!
11 years

All 12 mcdonald’s meals

The writer is a ***:

Ryan may not mind that he didn’t make it to all 12 meals. Perhaps prior to actually having to attempt the eating feat, he lost his training focus after becoming an on-campus celebrity. He was too busy doing interviews with his college newspaper and, I can only surmise, hooking up with a steady stream of college fatties – who were turned on by the thought of him stuffing so many value meals into his gullet.

But alas, the fame probably didn’t last long. In the end he was left all alone. Just him, a bunch of McDonald’s value meals, and a string of horrifying memories of hooking up with really, really fat chicks.
11 years

All 12 mcdonald’s meals

PinkyDear wrote:

Big Mac
Quarter Pounder w/ Chz
Chicken Sandwich
2 Filet o' Fish (I really like them for some reason.)
Chicken McNuggets
2 Fries
1 Lg Coke w/ lots of refills

And a very, very rumbly tummy after that. Might have to try Burger King next lol.

Wow, that's about 5000 calories! Good job!
11 years

All 12 mcdonald’s meals

Pinkydear, I would love to have seen your sexy stuffed belly after that.
11 years