
Fat to slim...then fat again?

Someone compared to dieting like a slingshot. The weight comes back on much faster after dieting.
11 years

Fat to slim...then fat again?

HerMajestyOfMars wrote:
In most cases (mine in particular), it's not necessarily that you LIKE being slim; we like the way we're treated when we're slim. Doctors, employers, and every day people are nicer to you when you're slim. I don't get bullied really, but people avoid me because of my weight. But when I try to lose weight, I hate myself for giving in to society, and I get sad watching my bulges and love handles disappear. It's a difficult tightrope to tiptoe.

I wish I could tell you how to balance these things! I wish I knew how to, haha. I guess the best thing you can do for yourself is just think long and hard about what really makes you happy and find a way to make it work- if you like being fat, but hate the way you're treated when you're fat, surround yourself with people who love you no matter what and ignore the rest. If you like indulging but want to be slim, just find a good exercise regimen that allows you to overeat but still work it off.

This was a lot longer than I meant it to be! I hope you figure things out smiley
It's sad that the world's like this,but this is so true.Agree with all the abovesmiley
11 years