Lifestyle tips

Help for a back in pain???

Have you consulted anyone medically or therapeutically qualified, whether doctor, physio, chiropractor, etc? Do you know it is definitely the weight of your belly causing this? It could be you have an underlying back condition or other skeletal/muscular complaint, whether exacerbated by your weight or entirely unrelated. I would seriously advise seeking properly qualified advice.

Try not to accept "it's because you're overweight" as an answer because conventional medicine will always try to blame that first without even looking into the underlying problem.

I have found focussed core work, Pilates, and chiropractic all helpful for muscular/skeletal/back/neck/spinal issues but you really need someone who knows what they're talking about to diagnose it properly.
11 years

Help for a back in pain???

Grow_You_Girls wrote:
Avoid a chiropractor. It's dangerous quackery.

Incorrect. Educate yourself.
11 years

Help for a back in pain???

rubyripples wrote:
400at40 wrote:
At 405 lbs., I have a very large belly that hangs down but also juts out really far. And as I get bigger, the weight of my belly is really pulling on my back, causing a lot of pain. Standing for even 5 minutes is very painful, as is walking very far. I've gotten to the point where I try to avoid moving as much as possible. Is the anything out there that will actually lift the belly to take the pressure off the back? Has anyone found anything at all to help with this pain? I appreciate any and all suggestions. Thanks so much!

This is a VERY common complaint of supersize women, and not so supersize too. If you can build up the core muscles in your abdomen and lower back it might help. Otherwise, yes, I'm sure as you know, it's the sheer weight of your belly pulling your lower back in. There really isn't any item that can pull the belly up to relieve it. I used to read on other sites about people saying they were going to invent a "belly bra" to ease it! I have the same problem but mine was exacerbated by viral arthritis. If you rest your belly on something like a table, does the pain immediately ease, leaving just a little ache? If so, then yes I def think its the weight.

I would definitely look up some core strengthening excercises if I was you though, as they are the one thing that might ease it a bit. I certainly know how frustrating it can be at your weight and height when some much slimmer person tells you to be much more physically active, when it's HARD work lugging that weight around all the time! And no amount of doable exercise is going to make aches disappear at this height and weight. I do think strengthening the abdominal/back muscles would be the thing to help. I do think the suggestion of a water exercise class is a good one though if you're looking to get a bit fitter in general - heart etc, as it is non weight bearing, so you won't destroy your knees, and it will be easier to do some moves.

Good luck and I hope you find some relief.
Some slim,large breasted women have this problem.I knew one who had a breast reduction operation as the pain got too bad.
I think swimming/water aerobics could be good for the reasons mentioned above.I had a prolapsed disc in my spine a few years back and I was advised to keep moving...things like swimming and walking:nothing strenuous though.You should get professional advice though from a physiotherapist...should be able to advise on specific exercises that will help somewhat, hopefullysmiley
11 years