
Learning how to cook?

I've had some pretty good results when I've cooked for ladies.
11 years

Learning how to cook?

Not being able to cook would be a turn-off for me.

And by cook I only mean standard home cooking. Being able to make, say, pasta with a home-made sauce, a fish pie, a lasagne from scratch, decent eggs (scrambled, poached, fried, omelette), maybe a Thai or Indian curry recipe, being able to fry/grill/bake/roast say a chicken breast/steak/joint of meat to the right point and serve it with appropriate rice/potatoes/whatever and vegetables (not over or under-cooked).

I don't mean cordon bleu or fancy. Basic cooking skills are vital for your own health too - and budget. So I say definitely go for it, it's a life skill that will stand you personally in good stead whether it bags you a lovely lady or not smiley
11 years