
Was anyone ever conflicted?

Way to take someone's insecurities and make them feel awful about. I applaud you Salt.


On Topic!

At first I had misgivings about being a gainer, my desire (more like a drive) to gain weight was always there. Just not acknowledged at first.

I was already made fun of as the "Fat Kid" and when I was a teenager it seemed crazy that I should want to get fatter. Honestly sometimes it still feels crazy. But I'm glad I put the weight on, I feel great and I love the way I look.

That's my situation, obviously slightly different from yours. But there it is.

Anyway, what Salt said may have been harsh. But there's a grain of truth there. It's nothing to be ashamed about, I have a feeling what you're fearing is ridicule from those you'd count among your friends. And probably more importantly your family. So I'm going to tell you something I tell a lot of people, I say it so much that to my own mind it feels used up, but...If they really care about you, the real you, they won't judge you for liking fat women. And if they do judge you, that's your cue to kick them to the curb because you don't need them if they can't handle the real you.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

salt wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
Way to take someone's insecurities and make them feel awful about. I applaud you Salt.


His insecurities?! What about my dignity? What about the broken hearts of all those women out there who are somebody's dirty secret and won't be seen with them in public? I know stories of women who were ignored or even abused in pubic by guys they knew and were in a relationship with! And all because those guys thought of those women as something they should be ashamed of!
What I said might have sounded harsh but the reality and the results of those guys' "conflict" (which I call "cowardice" ) are waaaaaaay harsher and with more serious implications.
I think it's time for a wake up call for all those closet cases out there and it seems that patting them on the shoulder and making them feel like they're the victim here doesn't and hasn't worked.
At the end of the day, how would they feel if the shoe was on the other foot?!
But that's just my opinion and I am as much entitled to it as they are to theirs.

Yes, because everyone who has misgivings about going public with their feederism is obviously going to abuse their girlfriends.

Honestly, it's more likely that people who feel conflicted will never approach the object of their desires. And it's reactions like yours that fuel that.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

I think OP needs to be a bit more specific, what is it that you feel guilty about? Encouraging unhealthiness? A feedee is perfectly able to make choices regarding their own body and health, enjoying their body doesn't mean that their health has anything to do with you, and it's egotistic to believe otherwise. I can't think of any other reason that you would feel 'guilty', assuming that such desires are of a consensual feeding situation.

Perhaps you feel shame for going against the norm? In which case I would support Salt's view. Once you start using language such as 'guilt' it implies that the object of desire is something that is shameful, and to talk about fat women is such a manner is not ok. These feelings of guilt/shame are predispositions to harmful relationships, they do not excuse the behaviour nor are they worthy of pity. Ultimately you have to either realise that it's not a big deal (people get fat and you find it sexy, nobody actually cares); or accept that you've got these insecurities regarding your own sexuality which are harmful, and learn not to act upon your desires.

To answer your question directly; are you the only person who feels conflict over their desires? No. Many people do, and it often causes a lot of pain and suffering for everybody involved. In order to overcome these conflicts you must address them from within, question why you feel so guilty and apply it to the bigger picture. The real world that doesn’t care, and the real people who are entitled to basic human dignity.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

OniGumo wrote:People who feel conflicted will never approach the object of their desires. And it's reactions like yours that fuel that.

I wish you were right but men with conflicts approach and get involved with fat women all the time! Why would I want anything to do with somebody who is conflicted over finding me attractive? All for fuelling these men to stay away actually!
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

Wow, I’m surprised the OP didn't delete their account after all that lol.

Answering your question mate, yes I was definitely conflicted, and I shared the same feelings, guilt, shame, self-hatred, it basically consumed and made me fear my own sexuality from before I even started school up until I found this site and realised I wasn't the only one.

Now before anyone jumps on my back about degrading women by not embracing my fetish, let me clarify, my fetish has always been one of feederism and weight gain, I’ve never had just a preference for fat women, I find women of all sizes attractive, yet I can only get turned on by the idea of feeding and fattening and weight gain.

As such, the thoughts which caused me so much pain were those I’d have of my fellow female classmates being force-fed into extreme obesity, inflated like balloons, magically waking up double their original size, etc.

I couldn't help these thoughts, they made me feel good, yet I spent my childhood and puberty trying to escape from and deny them, because I could think of nothing worse than actually doing that to these poor girls, or heaven forbid, tell them this is what I think about them. I was a shy, quiet guy, I was terrified of how demonised I would be by everyone if they ever found out what I secretly thought about at night.

Fortunately now I know better and am a lot more comfortable with my sexuality. I'm aware that there are others, both men and women who share the way I think and feel. I know it is possible to share this fetish with someone else, be it just the fantasy or some degree of reality.

So take it easy my friend, maybe get more involved in the wonderful community here or on other related sites, and allow yourself to become comfortable with who you are, because there is nothing wrong with it. smiley
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

I am 54 years old. I have preferred round, soft women my whole life, but never acted on it because I thought people would think I was weird. Oh, I dated them, but never acknowledged to them that I was attracted to them because they were so plush and soft. I would like to tell the OP that he will seriously, seriously regret not finding the perfect girl for himself if he lets his fear of societal judgement get in his way. I am married to a smoking hot chubbette, but she hates herself for being bigger, and hates that I find her so sexually attractive because she is plump and cuddly. She is all about striving for that starved, bony look advocated by current fashion. She despises my preference for plump women, and tells me I'm not "normal". Consequently, intimacy is just not happening and hasn't for quite some time. FIND A WOMAN WHO LIKES WHO SHE IS. The alternative, I tell you from very bitter experience, is pure, lonely hell.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

I've never felt guilty about my preferences. That's just who I am, nothing to feel guilty about.

I have felt guilty about some of my ACTIONS. That's fine. If you harm someone--even yourself--you should feel guilty about it. That's how we learn to control ourselves.

I'd even go so far as to say a pedophile (someone sexually attracted to children) should not feel guilty--unless he become a pederast (someone who has sex with children). Then he should feel guilty as hell.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

Oh, I realize I didn't answer the part about being conflicted.

Being conflicted is also about actions. It's when you have two (or more) possible actions and you can't do both of them.

EVERYONE is conflicted ALL THE TIME. You want to call in sick but you also want to go to work and show your boss you're reliable. You want to take the bus to work so you can read the paper but there are also advantages to driving. You want to date that sexy fat girl but also want to date the conventionally-beautiful slim girl so as to impress others.

Being conflicted is nothing to feel guilty about. You just have to make your choice and accept the consequences.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

krydrita wrote:
HerMajestyOfMars wrote:
It's understandable (though still not particularly healthy) to feel conflicted about feederism. But it is NOT EVER NEVER NO NO NO NEVEREVEREVER okay to feel guilty for liking a fat person.

Guilt is not something that people can easily control. I sometimes feel guilty about my preferences, too, and the OP is definitely not alone. But I don't think, in any way, that this is an issue of fat shaming. I think it's more that the OP didn't word his post completely to your liking, and others read into his post things that were never there in the first place from their own (completely understandable) insecurities and/or anger.

But just as society's unhealthy obsession with skinniness is negatively impacting the psyches of foodees, feedees, and gainers, it is also working the same way on FAs, and even more so on feeders. Growing up, a young FA just beginning to understand and accept their sexuality is faced with a barrage of social pressures dictating that fat is the worst fate possible to befall a human being--a view that I DEFINITELY do not agree with in ANY way!--but that unhealthy societal shaming is still there.

It can affect the FA by making them question their sexuality, and possibly even come to the unhealthy and wrong conclusion that they are somehow a freak for liking something that others shame. Or it can affect any possible partners, who are either skinny and are completely unreceptive to the FAs true preferences, or who are overweight but hate their bodies for not looking like some anorexic magazine cover. Again, this is something which is completely wrong, absolutely terrible, and which I, and all sane, healthy FAs, do not agree with in any way! But nevertheless, these pressures are there, working their evil in making people feel like shit and question their own sexuality.

Can I count the number of times people around me have equated either extreme fitness or extreme thinness with the ultimate in sexual attractiveness? Can I count the number of times overweight people have been the butt of jokes and the objects of ridicule, both in real life and in the media? The number of weight loss ads I have seen? Just as all this unhealthy anti-fat attention makes overweight people feel terrible, it does the same for the FAs who are constantly, persistently reminded that they are the minority, are weird, are somehow wrong in their preferences.

I think that it is very similar to what homosexuals have had to endure in previous (and even current) times where heterosexuality was thought of as the only acceptable sexuality. But homosexuality gets a lot more attention, and everyone knows it exists. The feederism movement doesn't even exist in the culture at large, but only in pocket oases online or in real life, where like-minded individuals can get together and discuss, in safety from prejudice, their feelings, thus beginning to detoxify themselves and get rid of all the stream of fat-shaming bullshit which has been pervading their entire culture since birth.

And that's what I think the OP was doing--taking those few cautious, tender, beginning first steps towards reaching out with his secret to a like-minded community in an attempt to start the healing process, and to begin learning the real truth--that there is nothing wrong with the way he feels, with his sexuality, with any of it. And that's when certain parties brutally shut him down, feeling entitled to rip him to shreds just because he was the FA, not the gainer.

I'm not saying that any level of fat shaming is acceptable at all, period. But that's not what this was. I'm not saying that gainers or overweight people don't have to put up with a whole hell of a lot of unhealthy, unfair, unacceptable, absolutely awful treatment at the hands of the media and social oligarchs--they do, and it's completely horrible. But FAs are faced with that same negativity, and have to go through just as much soul-searching to find peace of mind and self-acceptance.

For years and years, I thought that I was asexual because I didn't like any traditional images of male sexiness. And, before I came here and found acceptance, I thought I was some kind of freak. And yes, I still do feel conflicted sometimes. Social brainwashing is a difficult thing to overcome.

But just as this site accepts all sizes of people as being beautiful and perfect, as a community we also need to accept FAs as being the same, and not immediately discount their feelings and opinions just because they're on the other side of the coin. We're all in this together, and everyone deserves to have their voices heard and respected.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

YES! Exactly, precisely, unequivocally, 100 times over, this. This is exactly why we need to try and avoid knee-jerk reactions like some people in this thread have had. Yes, it's fine to say things like, "A fat girl/guy is a person." But to then turn around and treat the FA like he/she's not a person too is beyond not-ok.

Anyway, just felt I needed to voice my vehement approval of your post.
11 years

Was anyone ever conflicted?

I have been an FA all of my life though I suppose I never totally connected exactly what it was in my head until I was a little older. I spent years worried if someone knew they would think I was kind of a freak or something, but, that was mostly because I never realized that there were in fact quite a lot of people who liked the same thing.
My family still thinks I'm kind of odd my Mother flately told me she thought I was weird ,but, honestly the fact that I am completely opposite from my family in friends in taste is just the way I am.
It's not much different than a gay person asking for acceptance I mean people used to think it was something that needed to be kept completely in a closet somewhere.
It comes down to people learning to accept others for their personal desires.
You are never going to please everyone that is a fools errand to try. The big thing you have to remember is if it's what makes you happy who cares. The person gaining the weight knows what can happen they have accepted that it's still what they want stop letting it make you feel guilty. It's once again like being gay for example are you going to feel guilty because you and your partner both happen to enjoy kissing someone of the same sex?
You aren't messed up there is nothing wrong with you. You were born with this and it isn't hurting anyone so just enjoy it.
11 years
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