comfypear wrote:
I think it runs deeper than just a lifestyle change. and it is so easy for all of us to make comment when very few of us have such a big challenge in life result, what ever the answer is it won't be easy for her and won't be an overnight
First of all, don't believe the tabloids. I have seen TV shows interview NAAFA people, and they lied about what they ate, made big spreads about what they ate (tables full of food) that just wasn't true.
Secondly, the human body is very resilient. When it stops eating, it does not know it is trying to lose weight. There is an automatic mechinism which both slows the metabolism to store more fat, gives extreme hunger pains to encourage people to eat more. Once you get fat cells, you generally do not lose them, you can only shrink them. And the natural tendency is for the fat cells to be normal size.
Also, most of the famous fat people like Walter Hudson died after dieting, few, if any died at their highest weight.
Again, she is larger than my preference. So, I am NOT saying she should get fat. I am saying that dieting is making the situation worse, and making her even fatter.