Extreme obesity

How fat would you like to be?

At 1500lbs you'd be so close to being the fattest man in history. Why stop short?
11 years

How fat would you like to be?

300lbs has always been my magic number.
11 years

How fat would you like to be?

hangryboy wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
At 1500lbs you'd be so close to being the fattest man in history. Why stop short?

If it was real possible I would really go for 2000, hell if it were physically possible I would just be a giant blubbery whale big enough to take up a small wharehouse.

Lofty goals lol. I'm sure it'll be attainable some day though. After all, human kind is practically built for obesity.
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

I would definitely gain up to 500 or 600. If reality were a little different, 800.
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

Every time I've reached my "limit" I've ended up longing for more. At the moment I am around 380 and it's too close to 400 not to try to get there. After that, nobody knows. 450?
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

khr wrote:
Every time I've reached my "limit" I've ended up longing for more. At the moment I am around 380 and it's too close to 400 not to try to get there. After that, nobody knows. 450?

Oh if you only knew how much I know this is true!

I once thought 300 would be nice, got there and thought 350, Now I'm close to 400 and going while pretty sure I'll long for more too.
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

crazyfnbill wrote:
khr wrote:
Every time I've reached my "limit" I've ended up longing for more. At the moment I am around 380 and it's too close to 400 not to try to get there. After that, nobody knows. 450?

Oh if you only knew how much I know this is true!

I once thought 300 would be nice, got there and thought 350, Now I'm close to 400 and going while pretty sure I'll long for more too.

This is precisely what happened to me. When I started gaining I was sure I'd feel massive at 300, but it came and went and I didn't feel too much different so I set my sights on 400, then 500. And here I am at 580lbs thinking that 750 or so would be nice.
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

Right now, I would like to get to 500+ lbs. Once I get there, I'm sure I'll still gain even more.
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

I would get as fat as I could. With encouragement and help, I would like to reach 800+I am ready for and open to becoming immobile. Would love a dominate feeder to compliment my submissiveness
10 years

How fat would you like to be?

I'm starting small - 275, then to 300, and we'll see from there. This is the first time in my life I've intentionally gained, and I'm still testing the waters.
10 years
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