
Weight gain spa resort

This is something I'm curious about, even if it's completely unrealistic.

Through some scientific break through, I discover a way increase the calorie load of food tenfold. If a normal cupcake has 500 calories, mine would have 5000. The quality and taste would be identical, and the food would not be any more or less "unhealthy" other than accelerating weight gain by virtue of the calorie load.

That said, I take my new found skills and open up a luxury resort, in which visitors can spend their vacations being pampered and gaining weight to their heart's content.

Let's assume people are able to gain up to 100 pounds in a two week stay, but the average is lower (based on most people not being willing to make such a drastic change).

Aside from the weight gain, it's a normal, world class resort. The high calorie menu is not secret, in fact, it's advertised as such (to clarify, we don't secretly fatten up our clients, they come to us for it).

Now, obviously - this would be all over the news, and it would be almost completely negative press.

But how successful would such a business be?

I think it'd be extremely successful, honestly...

Would you go to such a place? How long would you stay? How much would you aim to gain if you had to go back to your ordinary life at the end of the stay?
11 years

Weight gain spa resort

I think you lose a lot of people when you say 5 star resort.
11 years

Weight gain spa resort

I think I'd like to visit such a place, assuming it's not exorbitantly expensive.

While I was there I'd probably see if I could pack on about 100lbs.
11 years

Weight gain spa resort

if there is something like that, there would be three weeks
11 years