
Bigger contrast?

Sounds like he's asking an awful lot of you. He also sounds like an insensitive tool (no offense meant, just an observation).

If he wants you to change yourself to his liking, but isn't willing to change himself for your liking that's a little telling, in my opinion.

Knowing only what you've posted, I'd say that it might be time to cut your losses.
11 years

Bigger contrast?

I would have just slapped him in his bold mouth, stepped on his toes with stiletto heels, and stormed off deleting any way of contacting him.

He ain't worth a second thought hun.
11 years

Bigger contrast?

Anyone asking someone to change is bad news. If something is important to someone, find someone who meets the criteria. Don't ask someone to change to meet it.
11 years

Bigger contrast?

Angelique wrote:
If a guy ever complained about my boobs, he would be dumped in about 1829 seconds. Approximately.

Wow, half an hour? Why would you need that much time? smiley
11 years