
Curvy lady used in music vid!

I love it (silver catsuit! hair! dancing!) but hate the comments. Jeez, why do people have such difficulty accepting a fat woman on their screens? It's not even illegal, immoral, revealing, poor taste... chuh
11 years

Curvy lady used in music vid!

amidsttundra wrote:
Rule number 1 of the internet:

Never read the comments. Just a load of vitriol filled nobodies hiding behind their screenames, burbling their caustic nonsense as an outlet for their personal hatred in a way that stops them from doing society a favour and removing themselves from the gene pool.

YouTube-wise, another idea is to get the Herp Derp plugin for one's browser too:

Turns every single comment into... well, herp derp, so you don't even have to risk seeing some of the rubbish that goes on in the comments there even if you scroll down.

11 years

Curvy lady used in music vid!

a new one and dutch...
11 years