
Is heavy cream the answer?

Curious about two things here:

1: Is the TrueMoo based on my suggestion?

2: Are you actually finding whole quarts of the stuff? If so, where? I have been only able to find 14 oz servings, in Dunkin Donuts... always feel a little ...err... odd... going in and ordering like six of those...

Unfortunately, they stopped carrying TrueMoo around here and switched to Hood.

Shockingly, the Hood is more calorific, but the TrueMoo tasted better in my opinion.


As for the Heavy Cream... I wouldn't make it an everyday thing, because of all the cholestorol and saturated fats.

Also, you need to be careful with it as well. If you vigorously shake heavy cream, it basically turns into butter. Let's just say having a belly full of heavy cream while your digestive system tries to do it's thing.... NOT something you want to experience.
10 years