
Playstation 4 or xbox one?

Easy......... PS4 all the way
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

Sweet Boi wrote:
Sony are renown for making, Televisions & Music.

Think i'll stick with the X-Box, I had a PS3 they are pretty dire consoles in all fairness!!

All the REAL gamers & social sunflowers are on XBL!

no no no no
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

PS4 smiley
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

amidsttundra wrote:
I have thought extensively about switching to PC gaming (ever since the DayZ mod and Stalker games), but unless I could afford a decent rig and had the money to keep it updated (not something entirely possible on a cadets wage) I'll be sticking to console gaming for now.

The one thing that keeps me coming back to console gaming is memories of being a kid during the SNES to N64 transition and visiting my local games shop - something that isn't entirely the same with PC gaming as the PC games sections are usually small places secreted in the corners and the hardware reserved for specialist outlets.

However as supermarkets continue to swallow up the games market and put indie games shop owners out of business that'll be a bygone memory reserved for telling the kids of these days soon.

You can actually build a very decent rig for less than £500, a shade more than what you would pay for the Xbone plus a game, on the day of release.

There's a link to show you the components, ok it's not stunning but it is modular, what I would do is maybe once a year chuck £150-200 quid towards upgrades.

Another thing to factor in to PC gaming is how cheap the games are, seriously, if you aren't that bothered about playing games on the day of release, wait a couple of months. Over this weekend I saw Borderlands 2 all the DLC and Borderlands GOTY edition for £8 as an example.
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

amidsttundra wrote:
fraggled rock wrote:

I am definitely leaning more towards the this time, I don't think that waiting on the to have some cool games to make proper use of it is wise as that's probably way off in the distant future still unfortunately

Meh, I really, really hate the move toward motion control. Motion control, bar a few exceptions, has basically been a ticket to a festival of failed game design. Give me a controller any day, I'm a reasonably athletic guy, but gyrating in front of a TV screen is basically the very very last thing I want to be doing except the very rare occasion I have friends around. Other than that, I'm not 12. Basically screw both systems lame efforts to imitate the .

THIS so much lol
when i was playing heavy rain on ps3 it kept making me to do these motion thing and i hated it so much lol like if im playing a video game i want the only body part i have to move to be my thumbs lol
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

Of the new generation of consoles I'd go with the PS4. XBox One just does not appeal to me at all (in point of fact, it kind of scares/outrages me). Despite the fact that I've enjoyed my XBox 360, I'm definitely jumping ship this time around. All this Big Brother bull-stank is ridiculous, and the necessity of internet connection is no good either. Not being able to sell back/trade-in games was also a big part of me deciding against it.

Not to mention the whole feature of people being able to interrupt your game-play/tv/movie with skype-like calls *which come through without having to be accepted* definitely contributes to the XBox One feeling like a massive "***" to the customers.
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

The Doctor wrote:
Come on guys, why isn't the Wii U in this discussion...

I'm actually planning to get one sometime especially with Sonic: Lost World coming out, along with the new Smash Bros and Wind Waker HD (never got the original). Hoping Nintendo will start using their IP's more though.

And on topic, I'm favouring the PS4, price is lower and I'm liking the look of the games on it more.
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

Saphiel Sir wrote:

I'm actually planning to get one sometime especially with Sonic: Lost World coming out, along with the new Smash Bros and Wind Waker HD (never got the original). Hoping Nintendo will start using their IP's more though.

And on topic, I'm favouring the PS4, price is lower and I'm liking the look of the games on it more.
I cannot lie I really want to get a wii U and enjoy some of my favorite title. But I'm boycotting them at the moment.

They reeeally spit in the gaming communities face with the advertisement sweep they pulled on lper's. Their giving them free advertising, you make decent enough games people tend to jump on as soon as ones made, But sometimes seeing a lp can push someone forward if their still on the rocks.

now you punched you're freee advertising campaign in the gut, And considering how god awful their advertisements have been in the past... I hope they decide to rethink things and lift the add revenue, and give it back to the ones filming.

I've actually made purchases off of lper's. They help me decide if I like a game or not, and seeing the fun of skyrim enhanced via Jesse Cox I went out and bought it. Same with Deadspace.

I'll stick with a gaming company till they pull crap that hurts the fans.
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

^^ Actually, I heard on Reddit that some major LPers state that Nintendo's backed off on the ad-revenue policy recently. I'll have to see if I can find out more about that though.
11 years

Playstation 4 or xbox one?

PS4 definitely
11 years