
Gaining weight and parents

The simple solution is to pick up some part-time work. Now you'll have extra money to fund your own food and clothing purchases.

Your parents will no longer be burdened by your voracious consumption, and therefore they'll have no legitimate reason to complain.
10 years

Gaining weight and parents

During my whole "gaining life" I've lived with my parents. Except for the time I was going to University and I actually didn't gain much at all during that time.

Most of my "gaining" behavior I fund myself however. If I get a good amount of money I'm always sure to hit a buffet, buy some fattening treats to eat, etc.

Other times I'll sort of "covertly" polish off some leftovers or eat a frozen pizza or two when my parents and other family members are away. That last bit, the covert eating, often gets me in trouble. But the over-full belly is usually worth the argument that results.
10 years