
Fear of the doctor's office?

Reminds me of a cartoon:

11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

I agree with Doc's pic...Screw Him!As long as you're happy & your vitals aren't off the chart who cares!
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

I have to admit I'm dragging out a doctor visit too, because I've put on 30 pounds since last year. He weighs me every time I go in for my physical. I need to see him too, so the fear of disapproval is interfering with me getting care. I've even thought of fasting before my visit to get my weight down.
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

Remember, YOU are the customer. He is being paid to take care of you. You are free to refuse any treatment (dieting)
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

If your doctor suggests a diet, tell him only 2% of diets work in the long run. A much higher percentage of diets CAUSE even more weight gain. Why does he think it would be any different for you?
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

Mom was a nurse...she'd tell the Dr. the exact same I can also understand you're friendly relationship...So you just politely tell him it's your concern & you're happy...THEN if he get's argumentive you tell him
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

Next time you go back heavier tell him you thought he said eat more & exercise
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

If your doctor makes a negative comment, you could try showing him/her this:

(With thanks to whoever posted it on a different thread)
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

You could also print a copy of this out. It might be helpful in diffusing his disappointment.
11 years

Fear of the doctor's office?

I know, if he starts talking about diets, you say "Sorry, I can't hear what you're saying. I've got this problem with my ear..."
11 years
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