
Fat friends influence

suckingitin wrote:
I must say I have been HEAVILY influenced by joining this site! (pun intended, LOL) And no, I never imagined I would love getting fat, just the eating part. But now, seeing myself get bigger and softer week to week is a real turn on.

I had hoped you would comment on this post. I recall that your friend on your vacation was a little larger than you back then too.
10 years

Fat friends influence

suckingitin wrote:
Jazzman wrote:

I had hoped you would comment on this post. I recall that your friend on your vacation was a little larger than you back then too.

Good memory. She seemed "big" to me back then. Now I outweigh her by a good 20 lbs! smiley

I put a picture in my head of your friend being 220 lbs or more. That is certainly surprising to find out you have caught her. Passed her. To think of how that vacation with her started you on the path of happiness and indulgence you have now fully embraced. I am very happy for you.
10 years

Fat friends influence

I've only got fat friends from here. We often meet up and are very naughty influences on each other! Everybody seems to get fatter...smiley
10 years

Fat friends influence

Wow...from the sounds of it I have to find my Wife some chunky friends who love eating.....and set them all up on some dinner dates all the time!
10 years

Fat friends influence

suckingitin wrote:
I must say I have been HEAVILY influenced by joining this site! (pun intended, LOL) And no, I never imagined I would love getting fat, just the eating part. But now, seeing myself get bigger and softer week to week is a real turn on.

Same here, the people here made all the difference in the world!
10 years

Fat friends influence

There have been one or two studies suggesting that weight gain or loss can be 'contagious' via social networks (more the in person kind than the virtual ones). The change seemed to matter more than the absolute weights involved.
10 years

Fat friends influence

pizza222 wrote:
foresty wrote:
In my senior year of high school I drove two of my friends home. We would stop at 7-eleven for a slurpee and candy or mcdonalds almost everyday on the way home. One friend who was a guy stopped taking his ADD medication which gave way to his hunger and by graduation he was over 100 lbs. heavier. The other friend was a girl and she put on 45 lbs that year which made some nice belly rolls and a giant butt. In the end it was my influence on them and now they have some belly of their own.

This is so hot !! smiley smiley

10 years