
Your biggest gain in a week?

Well, when I first thought I'd give gaining a try, I was working at a Krispy Kreme. I was overnight and most nights the only employee in the building. So I got to eat and eat and I didn't give up or stop!

I'd have 3-4 dozen over a shift then triple fill glazed doughnuts with that highly fattening kreme they have and stuff them when I got home three times that week.

Couple that with McDonald's being two blocks away.... I ended up going from 270 to 287 in only 9 days. That was an amazing week that I wouldn't mind duplicating!
11 years

Your biggest gain in a week?

Moira wrote:
I'm right at the end of a week where I wanted to see how much I could gain! Had a family reunion Sunday, and ate a LOT there, so I decided this was the week. I tried to stuff every single day and in addition stay full the whole week. I didn't want to stuff too much, so I wouldn't get sick of it, so these aren't my biggest stuffings but they were the most consistent.

Sunday was about 3 platefuls of reunion type food (fruit, pasta salads, 4 hot dogs...).

Monday was actually normal - regular meals.

Tuesday I did breakfast and lunch, and then for stuffing I ate a large pizza, three XXL burritos, and a 2 liter of soda.

Wednesday was normal breakfast and lunch, then I stuffed with 3 large chicken breasts, 3 plums, 2 large glasses of milk, 1 liter of soda, and then 7 bananas. (I had 9 but I did have to stop that one)

Thursday was normal morning, and on the way home from work I stopped at a few fast food places: from Burger King, a Whopper with cheese, double stacker, and rodeo burger; from Arbys a beef and cheddar and 6 mozzarella sticks; and from McDonalds 2 McDoubles and 2 large sodas. That one I kept going through the night - every time I felt I could stuff more in I did. Mashed potatos, milk and steamed vegetables.

Today was smaller - normal breakfast, then lunch/stuff was 2 Jimmy John's subs, large JJ soda, 20 doughnut holes, and a chugged 2 liter of soda. Dinner was pancakes and sausage.

Tomorrow I have a cousin's graduation party, but this family I don't like to eat a lot in front of, so I weighed myself today, and....

Starting weight - 354.

Today's weight - 368.

YES!! 14 lbs in 6 days! Go me!

Amazing work! No need to slow down! haha smiley
11 years

Your biggest gain in a week?

3 pounds (from 467 to 470)
11 years