
New say something nice thread!

Sweet Angel of the night...and day for that point
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Always a gentleman & welcome addition to the family
11 years

New say something nice thread!

He's the most awesome Australian Irishman I've ever met.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Always lovely and sweet to people. smiley
11 years

New say something nice thread!

It's PARTY Time! P-A-R-T-Why!? Because I gotta!


A fan of the Mask, which in my own opinion is one of Jim Carrey's best movies. SsssssMOKin!

Which of course bolsters his awesomeness in my books.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

A True Scholar, connoisseur & good friend
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Beautiful eyes!
11 years

New say something nice thread!

His name puts me in mind of Discworld, which I think may be the intent. Which would, of course, single him out as a man of taste.
11 years

New say something nice thread!

Very cute!
11 years

New say something nice thread!

She's gorgeous and likes Nightmare before Christmas (This is Halloween, This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Everyone hail to the Pumpkin Song.)

And...and...she likes Bag of Bones! Which is one of my favorite Stephen King books. You're awesome.
11 years
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