Body inflation

New inflation method omg

You know you can just gulp down air as well. Its not a dramatic but your belly will get just as inflated.
10 years

New inflation method omg

Its also a fun thing to if you use the same method as you described but instead of inflating yourself someone can "Kiss" you and force the air down into your belly.
10 years

New inflation method omg

This thread reads like an ad on a home shopping channel...
10 years

New inflation method omg

I've been doing this for years.
It's about time this method caught on.
And I agree with Ateitall.
It does work best laying flat with your head at a slight elevation.
10 years

New inflation method omg

I've read all the posts and visited all the links, and I'm not getting it.....I don't think I am anyway. I've never inflated before, so I could just not have the capacity to notice anything. Any further advice?
10 years

New inflation method omg

Hey guys.
I saw this post and with all the success, I'm obviously super intrigued.
But I just can't seem to figure out what I need to do. :/

I'm laying down flat or trying different body elevations with the suggested stomach vacuuming methods and everything, but I can't figure for what I'm supposed to be doing with my throat.
From what I know about anatomy, isn't the epiglottis just always closing off one of the pipes?
I've tried at this for a while and have only resulted in some unfortunate gagging.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
10 years

New inflation method omg

Okay, so an update:
I've tried in whatever spare time I can to get this to work, but nothing's working.
I have the laying down, head tilt, stomach vacuum stuff down I think, but nothing can happen at all without knowing what to do with my throat...

Can anyone out there help explain this a bit better?
I understand it's like a "fake burp" but even then I don't believe I've ever done that so I don't know...
Would I know for sure if it's working, or is the feeling underwhelming until I have more pressure?

Any sort of tips or ways to help explain what I ought to do would be seriously appreciated.
10 years

New inflation method omg

I love this. I do it all the time. Im not as good as the person in the video but I make it work for me. I love that I dont really feel how big I am until I stand up. Sometimes holding all the air in can be a little difficult. Im not sure if farting a bunch is a good or bad thing. Im having fun with it and farting makes me laugh. Everyone should try this!!!
10 years

New inflation method omg

I manage to swallow air as I breathe in. I get small amounts of air each time.
10 years

New inflation method omg

If I lean forward, I can inhale/swallow a fair amount of air at one time. Usually I just lay back and inhale and I can swallow a little bit. I do that a bunch of times though. It's just a weird trick with the back of your throat. It's crazy hard to explain.
9 years
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