
Ignoring ims

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
A) I completely regret giving you any of my personal info bc your totally creeping on me.

heh, I think this is the most common one for everyone smiley
13 years

Ignoring ims

If someones ignoring me to a point where I feel they aren't interested or they are just talking to a whole lot of people or pretty much people that act/think like Winter I just ignore them and never talk to them again. There isn't anything wrong with some of the 10 reasons you stated, but personally I'd never want to talk to someone like you that treated people as such. I don't want to feel like I'm here to entertain people or to jump hoops to be your friend or get your attention. If the said person treats me anything less than a person they are interested in talking to, they aren't worth my time and they shouldn't be worth yours.
13 years

Ignoring ims

DorianGray wrote
If someones ignoring me to a point where I feel they aren't interested or they are just talking to a whole lot of people or pretty much people that act/think like Winter I just ignore them and never talk to them again. There isn't anything wrong with some of the 10 reasons you stated, but personally I'd never want to talk to someone like you that treated people as such. I don't want to feel like I'm here to entertain people or to jump hoops to be your friend or get your attention. If the said person treats me anything less than a person they are interested in talking to, they aren't worth my time and they shouldn't be worth yours.

you sir deserve a *High Five* i agree ! FEMFEEDR ! read this man ! this is an answer. I doubt this is the only solution but it's probably the most effective one.

I have to agree. I started this post with no malice simply asking some questions, requesting the stances of others on the subject and stating my personal views. Sadly, what I got back from many of the people here were (as I took them, maybe I am just overly sensitive) defensive attitudes and a desire to flame. I was told I needed to "get a life", that I should stop being so "butt hurt", I was told that I needed to realise that there were real people on the other end and then in the same statment told that it was "just the internet", and it was hinted that sending people message was like just walking into their house uninvited....among other statments.

I like to expect the best from people in general but I have now been told that if someone does not acknowledge my message that probably means the person is busy constantly (yet oddly has time to contribute to internet forums smiley ) or feels that I have not earned the right to talk to them and I do not deserve to chat with them.

I know this may seem to be an overly dramitic summary, but then many of the responses I got were at least as energetic.

At any rate, I want anyone here to feel free to message me anytime about anything and know that barring unforeseen reasons I will do my best to reply in some way. The internet may have given some people liscense to ignore certain social standards but I am not one of them. smiley
13 years

Ignoring ims

Pandoras Box wrote:
Dredging up a dead forum? Yes indeed. My apologies. I hope no one minds.

r_h_ wrote:
Something I'm surprised nobody else has yet mentioned:

When a stranger initiates contact with me over the Internet with some variation of "Hi, how are you?" I feel a potent sense of dread curdling in my guts.

As such, it's empty of meaning. It's uninteresting. It's banal.

Your manners could be perfectly fine. But you might need to work on your game.

A thousand times, yes.

Also, every thing else in this forum.

TOTALLY. "potent sense of dread curdling in my guts" ahahaha exactly. I hate that opener with a vengeance.

It happens a lot in the chat room too. What I particularly loathe about it is that the opener sits back feeling all smug that he's (yes he. When was the last time a she said that to anyone?) been all polite and non-creepy. But in fact what he's done is put the onus on someone he doesn't know to come up with a witty, entertaining answer. Because if I respond "fine thanks" it sounds curt and rude, at least it does to my ears, because that conversation is now DEAD. I might as well say "oh jog on mate" since it will have the same effect.

So rather than be rude and curt, I feel obliged (which is SO ridiculous, I mean, I don't even know this person and never wanted to talk to them anyway) to say "good thanks, exhausted from work but thinking about making a present for my friend's birthday, by the way what does anyone think about the new Dr Who?" because then there's "oh what do you do for a living?" and "oh what are you thinking of making?" and "love Peter Capaldi but I wish they'd chosen a black woman" as conversational gambits for the other person. Because I have a glimmer of emotional intelligence and know that conversations aren't generated out of zero-interest bland questions, they're created out of giving people the opportunity to bond or sparkle or show their witty side.

Do other people feel the same sense of obligation? I feel I have to come up with that whole sentence which frankly took a good couple of minutes of hard thought to put together (and agonising over why I'm bothering). All to answer some asshat who I don't even want to know (and I know that for sure. Because if they ask stupid things like that, they have no game).

So what's the answer? When someone says "hi, how are you?" in a personal message, it's simple, I just don't answer. I don't get that on IM because I only give my address out to people with more conversational dexterity than that. But what do you say if someone says it in chat? "Fine thanks. And I hope you get that that is a put down." hmmm ruuuude.

Re the whole not-responding-to-IM question: sometimes I just don't want to chat with even the lovely bunch of carefully-selected freaks and nutters I have on my IM list. Maybe I am hoping that one particular person comes online because I have a question for them, so I'm leaving my light on. Maybe I don't want to talk to that guy because he's into stuffing and I'm not in the mood today, or maybe I only want to talk to people who are going to tease me rather than seek teasing from me.

But forgive me, sometimes I don't want to ruin your day by being brutally honest about that. If a person innocently pops up and says "hi" do they really want to hear: "I'm sorry I'm in a really bad mood and I'm only really looking to speak to a small percentage of my friends who are funnier than you - don't take it personally because when I'm in the mood for a really in-depth convo about the joys of weight gain you're deffo my go-to man." I mean, it's honest, but frankly who wants to hear that? So yeah, I'm lazy and/or non-confrontational, and I just ignore... Don't worry, it doesn't mean I hate or disrespect you, it just means, talk another time, okayyyy?
11 years

Ignoring ims

I'm sometimes inclined to respond with, "Sorry: do I know you?".

Saying/writing "how are you?" to a complete stranger is not polite. "How do you do?" is the polite greeting, which does not mean "how are you?".

The reason that "how are you?" is not a proper way of greeting a total stranger is that it is both obviously insincere (why should one care for the health of a total stranger any more than one cares for the health of the world at large, to whom one does not ask the question) and excessively personal: one should not be asking about the personal affairs of total strangers.

If, despite their greeting not being polite at all, one nonetheless feels obliged to start a conversation with these people about some or other trivia, the weather is always the best subject: there is always something to talk about, and it is not at all personal. A conversation might thus go like this:

Idiot: "how r u?"
Intelligent person: "Um, very well, I suppose. I don't think that I know you, do I?"
Idiot: "no"
Intelligent person: "Hm. Well, lovely day, isn't it!"
Idiot: "tell me about yourself"
Intelligent person: "I like sunshine!"
(Idiot gets bored and leaves).
11 years

Ignoring ims

rubyripples wrote:
In all my years on the internet I've never seen or had anyone say to me "how do you do?" It's very formal and in the casual setting of a chat room, I believe that "Hi, how are you?" or similar is absolutely fine and perfectly polite. "How do you do" means exactly the same as how are you, just in a more old fashioned, formal way. Also, I would never say "How do you do" to someone unless it was a face to face formal situation with a handshake.

Actually, "how do you do?" is not an enquiry about one's health - it is a general greeting. Some may consider it somewhat formal, but there is a great deal to be said for formality and politeness, unfashionable as they are: the formal rules of politeness have been forged over many years as a means of considering others' convenience and feelings without having to second guess what the person actually wants out of an interaction. They are properly loosened when people are familiar and friendly with each other precisely because that familiarity enables people to know more about what will be convenient and acceptable to the other than with a stranger and because being on friendly terms means that the people in question get on with one another enough to desire to be in each other's company by choice.

The modern fashion for being casual and familiar with complete strangers is a serious mistake, and gives licence to strangers to impose upon people who would rather be left alone, and many other such interferences with the commodiousness of people's existence that the rules of politeness and formality were intended to, and when used, do successfully preserve.
11 years

Ignoring ims

Roy wrote:
If you're a girl and you're complaining about getting tons of msgs when you have your *** id on your profile, well, whose fault is that? Just admit it, you love getting those tons of msgs and then ignoring them.

11 years

Ignoring ims

Honestly, I like to chat up other people. I'm not single so it's in no way an attempt to 'hook up' 'cyber' or inappropriately cam.

But at the same time, I have a lot of people I already know and can talk to. Why do I give a rats ass if I'm ignored?

I'll reply to just about any message, email, IM etc... But if you choose to ignore mine, I really don't sweat it. You are either busy, or based on my profile pic you already don't like me. That means you are extremely shallow and I'm glad you didn't reply.

Either way, any guys still around the site to see this that were complaining years ago:

Get the sand from your ***, wipe away the tears, get out of your house and interact face to face with people for a change. It's great that the internet can connect so many different people from so many different areas of the globe. But obviously it can't be the only way to make a friend. It's NOT the only way.

If I do actually message someone from here, I always include my FF screen name so they can see my profile, if they really want, and form an opinion of "No thanks" or "I can at least see what this guy's about"

Either way, I don't care because I have IRL friends that I will go out and have fun with. The sun will only kill Vampires.

I think that was a bit rant like, and I'm not sorry. But face it, Fantasy Feeder is 10% beautiful women of all sizes and 85% men checking them out. The other 5% are guys that gain, or think they are just looking for friends. So you really CANNOT BLAME THE WOMEN!

If someone like FoxGlove gets 100 messages or IMs in a month, she's probably fairly certain that 90 of them will just be someone wanting to see nude photos and belly rubs on ***.
Playing the odds, she's better off not answering any of them unless they garner a true interest out of her. (Sorry to pull you in FoxGlove lol)

Oh and the whole "Hey, How are you?" is a ***ing cop-out.
'Oh I'm being polite!!'

No, you're being boring and deserve to be ignored by a multitude of women who CLEARLY don't want boring.

Ok....I think that's my piece....for now.

(And if you are wondering why this entire post feels like it only refers to men messaging women: Because it is. Men are the only ones to complain about this. Hell, years ago I did too, till I got a grip on the happiness of my life)
11 years

Ignoring ims

Roy wrote:
I've noticed that a lot of people on my *** contacts list are always afk. I don't see the point in this.If you're not on and available to chat then why not just sign off? Or at least leave a status message that you aren't available.

I'll msg someone on *** and not get a response. And then I'll wonder if its because they don't want to chat or if its just because they are afk. Btw, it's not something that keeps me up at night, but it does cross my mind at that moment. Often times they'll pm me later (sometimes days later).

Then there are the people that msg you on *** to chat and about four minutes into the conversation they just go quiet. And it's not something I've said, they always do it.

I'll admit, I'm guilty of doing both of these things regularly. Could I use some work in these areas? Definitely. It can take me days to respond on messenger, but usually because I simple forget to. I do this with text messages as well - sometimes I'll read something and return to my business with the intent to respond and just forget. It happens.

Like others have said, it can get old trying to hold up stale conversation. Especially if you weren't even the one to initiate it. If you're approaching me and expecting me to carry on a conversation for both of us then don't even bother! And honestly, sometimes it seems easier to just not respond instead of being honest and saying that you don't feel like talking. That kind of honesty can bring out the ugly in people who are sensitive to rejection, regardless of how kind you are trying to be. I would rather not respond then to be bashed or ranted at because I am not interested. Not saying everyone does this, but I've had it happen to me enough times that I know it's sometimes easier just to ignore.
11 years

Ignoring ims

beastmode wrote:
Eugh... awful lot of butthurt in this thread. Just an awful thread all round so I suppose I should make an appearance. I'll say this: if you can't take 5 seconds to respond with a "can't talk/don't want to talk/ *** off", you're part of the problem.
It's not about accessibility, or forcing you into a corner where you might have to come off as a little rude (heaven forbid, you tossers) as much as it is about dangling someone there for when things quieten down.
Hurrdurr muh privacy muh rights. Why not insta-block? Why would you even bother adding people, except those you're positive will make you feel special or important or funny? It'd be a real shame if there was a woman out there who was bored when she logged into whatever IM service she uses for some nsa cyber femme-viagra. A lot of these grievances would be avoided if people (women) weren't so terrified of other people (men). You're on the internet. By Darwin, why are the apes so scared?
It's pretty lame that there's a thread here complaining about this but it's even sadder that this practice is(was) being defended so vehemently. It's a little snobbish alright, but that's cool. It's you're prerogative to act however you please. At least admit it though. No point in deluding yourself into thinking you're owed some lulz or insight from some poor fool, when your reluctance to engage is more about you're own standards or keeping your filthy hard-drive separate from your squeaky clean life.

I can support my claims with plenty of stats and facts and other boring things but, for now, I'll just allude to them in a vague manner.

Somehow based on this post I really don't think that women are the problem here.
11 years
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